
ALYSSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 202

It’s finally Spring! After a yucky, cold winter I think everyone is ready for the nicer weather. Spring just does something to people. It makes us so horny doesn’t it? I’m sure your cock has been hard after hibernating all winter. So, let him out to play.

Continue reading “Alyssa’s Show Me Your Spring Roll Phone Sex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

Awwe, do you feel like less than a man? Possibly wishing you were more like those Alpha types you see around you? But, instead, you feel more like a cuck in every area of your life. Nothing ever seems to go your way, does it? Do you know the reason for this? Here’s a hint, look down at your crotch area. See that pathetic excuse of a cock? There is your reason.

Continue reading “Willow’s Ca$hing In On Your Feelings of Inadequacy Phone Sex”


ALYSSA 1-844-332-2639 ext 202

You are such a fucking cuck. That must be what made me have the crazy dream I had the other night. I dreamt that I was pregnant and I told you it was yours. You were so excited to think that your pathetic cock had actually accomplished something for once. You went out and bought all kinds of stuff for the munchkin.

Continue reading “Alyssa’s Fake Pregnancy Fantasy Phone Sex”

MISTRESS RHIANNA 1-844-332-2639 x 253

Fetish as defined by the Oxford Dictionary – “A form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.” Now that’s a cold, clinical definition if ever there was one! Better defined, fetish is an indispensable sexual ingredient. It takes sex from the mundane to the truly artistic. And that “etc.,” that the losers working for dictionary inc. so casually dismissed? Well, that is a wide array of kinks and desires that they can never truly understand. But I understand….


And you will too. If you get in touch with me that is … I’ll be your guide through this wonderful world of kink and you find out first hand why they call me the Mistress of Fetish.

Continue reading “The Mistress of Fetish Phonesex”