your hot yet nerdy girlfriend zia

Zia 1-844-33CANDY ext 402

I want to share a little secret about me-I love playing video games. That’s right, I’m a gamer girl. What do you think about that? I’m unbelievably hot and horny and I love watching you play and playing video games myself. I’m your hot yet nerdy girlfriend Zia.

The console I have right now is a PS4. I know it’s a bit outdated, but I love it and I have a collection of so many games that I enjoy playing. It’s one of my favorite ways to spend my free time and I know you love it, too. Also, I could simply watch you playing games for hours and I would sometimes tease you and try to seduce you while you do it. I would never do it when you’re fighting a boss, though.

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The Great C3PO Debacle Part 2

I felt a covered hand come around me as soon as the lights flashed, indicating the car unlocked. The hand covered my mouth and nose. A foul odor hit my senses, and then it was as though the world slowed down to a crawl.  I could hear garbled sounds. It was as though I was trying to look through water, and my arms and legs would no longer work.

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May The Fourth

Gianna 844-332-2639 ext 355

It’s May 4th which means it’s Star Wars Day! May the Fourth Be With You! I want to play with my geeky guys today! If you’re alone today then it’s probably because you’ve been looking for love in Alderaan places! I’ll let you come over and touch my naboobies if you want. I’ll have you know that I can get undressed in less than 12 parsecs so that you can spend a millennium in my falcon.

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Gianna 844-332-2639 ext 355

One of my sugar daddies gave me a Nintendo Switch for being such a good girl. You probably didn’t know that I’m a huge nerd. I love reading comic books, watching sci-fi movies, playing video games, and attending local tabletop game nights. I’m the sexiest dungeon master you’ll ever meet, which is why we should have nerdy phone sex together.
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