The Diaper Doctors

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

This may look like any other daycare, but deep inside the colorful building is the operating room. In this cool, sterile place, Doctor Lea and Doctor Amber perform their experiments on diaper boys. Don’t be frightened; it’s all in the name of science.

Once the stinky patient is strapped down to the medical table, his legs held high in stirrups, and his arms banded over his head, the Doctors come in. Purple, latex-gloved hands high in the air with surgical masks covering most of their beautiful faces. Their eyes peer over the mask, down at the squirming patient with excitement.

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Hunter 1-844-332-2639 ext 387

I have a doctor appointment today. It’s just a normal check up and physical nothing serious. However today I woke up super wet and horny with no time to be able to try to take care of myself. Once at the doctors I get called back into a room do all the questions and switch my clothes out for the doctors gown. The doctor knocks and comes in. Once I see the doctor I instantly get wet and feel my nipples getting hard. He is so sexy.

The doctor is wearing the normal scrubs but with his muscular body they looked a little tight almost like they would tear. He rolls over to me on his chair to start the exam. Having me get up and do a few things. Then back on the table. Having me lay back with my arms above my head he starts poking and pushing at my stomach checking my insides. After saying that all of them look good he moves up to my breasts making sure there aren’t any any concerns there.

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Breast Exam Roleplay Phone Sex!

Gianna 844-332-2639 ext 355

Doctor, I’m here today because I think something is wrong with my breasts. Can you look and see? I think I need you to give me a breast exam and let me know if everything seems alright. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. This exam should probably be a long one… right? So you can spend more time feeling my tits. I just want to really make sure that they are okay ;)!

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1-844-332-2639 ext 411

I love to do my best to make every day a sexy day. This time of the year it is not hard to do. Seems as if this is the holiday all the woman who are not normally dressed as sluts are able to come out to play. Women who want to let their while domme side out; feel more comfortable to do so.

I am a domme all year around. So, this is nothing new to me. Though I have noticed here in America not only are the housewives able to dress skanky; it seems as if those men who have dark fantasies come out to play as well. I get some of the most fun session requests around this time of year and I am going to share one with you here.

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