bratty teen sister

Sexy Lexi 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 261

What the fuck do you think you’re doing?  You keep sneaking around my room while I’m trying to do my homework and I can’t fucking concentrate with the fucking floor creaking all the time!  I mean damn, mom and dad put me in charge of you while they’re on vacation, so do what I say!  *sigh*  Look, just go to your room and I’ll call you when I’ve ordered dinner.

Pizza, duh!

*sigh*  Yes, I want extra sausage with my pizza, what kind of stupid question is that?  (idiot)

Continue reading “Bratty Teen Sister Phone Sex”

Madison (a.k.a. bratty Maddi) 1-844-332-2639 ext 359

I love coming up to my Sugar Daddy with a pout on my face and saying “Daddy, I have been such a good girl pleasing you in every way possible, don’t you think it’s time to take me out shopping?”  As my Sugar Daddy, you respond with “Oh baby girl, let me book the afternoon off and get a limo to take you to whatever stores you want to go to”.  I love getting all dolled up for you Daddy as you hand me over your credit cards and I head out to shop till I drop.  Continue reading “Hand Me Over Your Credit Cards Sugar Daddy Phonesex”

Madison (a.k.a. bratty Maddi) 1-844-332-2639 ext 359

Perhaps you already noticed, but I have a weakness for married men, especially older married men.  I like keeping a few handy to play with.  I’m a girl who likes her toys….giggle.  You, as my new boy toy, you are super duper eager to please because “she” either has a heachache or just isn’t in the mood.

I love taking advantage of you when your wife goes out of town or she’s upstairs sleeping and you’re feeling horny as fuck.  This is the perfect time for us to have some fun.  You can fuck me in every possible position and I will beg you not to stop.   Maybe when she’s out of town, I can use her pillow to prop my ass in the air as you spread my long sexy legs and thrust that married cock into my tight teen pussyContinue reading “Ruined By Bratty Maddi Phonesex”

looking for a sugar daddy

Sexy Lexi 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 261

Some people collect comics.  Others like to collect movie memorabilia.  I like to collect sugar daddies.  Right now, I’m looking for a new sugar daddy.  Not because one has done something wrong, or I’m bored.  No, I just want more.  I think it may be a little extreme, but I really can’t stop.  It’s like a secret little addiction I can’t shake.  I collect sugar daddies.

Continue reading “Looking For A Sugar Daddy Phone Sex”

teacher teasing

Sexy Lexi 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 261

Ok, I’m writing this from class because I had to tell someone!  This is so hilarious, but I’ve been teasing my 3rd hour teacher all period and he’s losing his mind!  Like, I’ve always had a feeling he was into me, but he’s been non-stop staring at me since I got here.  Or maybe he knows I’m a phone sex girl.  Or maybe he’s called me!!  Ok, let me tell you what I’ve been doing to him.

Continue reading “Teacher Teasing Teen Phonesex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

I am a homewrecker. I admit it. In fact, I own the moniker. I really don’t have a problem with it. It’s fun and it’s hot to be the other woman. I enjoy it, so why not indulge in something fun and rewarding?

The proper definition of a Homewrecker is:


a person who is blamed for the breakup of a marriage or family, especially due to having engaged in an affair with one member of a couple.

Continue reading “Willow’s Homewrecker Confessions – Blonde Predator Phone Sex”