Medical Grade Diaper Change Phone Sex!

844-332-2639 (Kayla ext 357 / Gianna ext 355 / Zoey ext 403)

My fellow daycare workers Kayla and Zoey helped me perform the most intense diaper change ever. His diapers are so messy that we consider him a medical-grade stinker. We have to all wear masks and latex gloves while we change him. It takes all three of us to perform this diaper change procedure!

Continue reading “Medical-Grade Diaper Change Phone Sex!”


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Being your dirty secret has been fun but now it’s time to introduce me to your friends. I’ve sent them a group message through your phone, just three to four of your closest guy friends. I told them to meet you for drinks at your local spot. Knowing they were cooped up with their wives and would be itching to get out, it sounded like a fun way to play with you.

Before we left to meet them, I made you stand, naked in front of me and jerked your cock until you came. I didn’t stop when your cock dribbled its last bit of cum, I kept going till I forced a second orgasm. Weak kneed and drained, I then diapered you and let you dress for the evening while I got ready myself.

Continue reading “Introduce Kayla Cumsalot To Your Friends Phonesex”


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Everyone knows I’m a pain slut but only a few people know I also enjoy giving it. My useless little diaper dick, however, knows this secret the best. I’m always gripping his diapered balls like a vice while whispering sweet nothings into his ear. His whimpered whines bring me so much joy. It shocks me sometimes how much I enjoy hurting him when he’s wrapped in a wrinkly diaper but the other night I had the idea to kick up our diapered CBT another notch.

Our play started with stripping him. Diaper boy’s don’t get adult clothes! I diapered him as usual. As soon as the pamper caressed his cock, I could feel him getting hard. Slapping my flat hand over his bulge gave me a pleasant idea.

Continue reading “Diaper Check Phonesex with Sweet Lovin Kayla”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Every day that passes, I realize all men are the same. On the outside, they look like successful businessmen, loyal husbands, devoted fathers and the like but it’s nothing but a mask. You know what a mask is, don’t you? It’s a fucking lie. A covering for the binkie sucking, energy-draining, diaper wetting, little fucks they really are.

Sure, they go through their day to day tasks, putting on their devil like charming smiles and toying with the minds of everyone who knows them but then, when they finally get some alone time, they call me. Once we’re on the phone, the mask is shattered and the real truth shines out loud and clear. His true self is a horny for his mommy, wants to cum in a pp filled diaper, BABY!

Continue reading “Sweet Lovin’ KayKay Turns a Man into a Baby Phonesex”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Happy Birthday, Diaper Boy!! Our big boy gets a year older today but that won’t stop me from showing up at his work to humiliate him! See he has this super important job, everyone thinks he’s so cool. They look up to him and stuff. Pttff, if they knew the diaper bitch I know, they wouldn’t fawn over him so much. I figured the best present I could give him today would be to go to his work and show those coworkers who he really is!

I arrived wearing my best babysitter clothes. Ya know, slutty little pleated skirt with thigh high stockings and stripper heels. My button-up blouse wasn’t buttoned nearly as much as it should have been, allowing my perky little tits to peek out of the opening. My nipples were rock hard with the excitement of embarrassing my boy.

Continue reading “Kayla Cumsalot’s Happy Birthday DiaperBoy Phonesex”

Storytime with Sadie and Kayla 1844-332-2639 ext 222/ext 357

Do you remember when you are little, how much FUN story time was? You got to sit down on a circle rug and watch as the reader made funny voices and silly sounds while reading through the pages of a new and exciting story! Your friends would sometimes be distracting but overall just added to the giggles and joy of the moment!

That’s exactly how storytime with us is! Its a non-sexual, safe place for adult babies/littles and their caregivers! We read two to three stories every other Sunday night starting at nine pm EST. This week Sexy Mama Sadie is going to tickle us with her soothing voice before bedtime!

Continue reading “Phonesex Story Time With Mama Sadie and Sweet Lovin Kayla”

Sweet-Lovin’ Kayla 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Part One

A man who will set aside his own desires to see to my needs is a special kind of man. Not everyone is willing to be so brave and take a chance by jumping into the unknown. This handsome man, however, was going to take a chance on being put into DIAPERS just to please me.

Or so he thought…

Continue reading “The Forced Diaper Boy Phonesex Saga With Kayla Cumsalot”

Sweet Lovin Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Some days are so long and terribly stressful. At the end of a long day, all I want is to go home and curl into the arms of a sexy, ALPHA man. There is just something about the way I feel when wrapped in a man’s arms. His bigger body protecting mine, the way his neck smells when I nuzzle into that perfect little crook.

It’s a feeling of security and gives me the change to really relax. It’s exactly what I need to de-stress. However, today when I came home from slinging dildo’s at bored, tipsy housewives all night, the man I wanted to hold me and be my big strong hero, was dressed in a diaper and sucking on a binkie.

Continue reading “Baby’s Date Night Phonesex”

Sweet Lovin' Kayla 1844-332-2639 ext 357
Sweet-Lovin’ Kayla 1844-332-2639 ext 357

I’d been dating this guy for a while now and he was all that I’d hope for in a guy! Tall, dark and handsome with a sarcastic sense of humor that just TICKLED my funny bone. A real ladies man too with a cheeky smirk. The last thing I would have thought was that he was a diaper baby boyfriend!

I’d been staying over at his house a few nights a week and was happy to find one night where I arrived before him. He was always cooking dinner for me so I wanted to surprise him by RETURNING THE FAVOR but what I found on his kitchen counter when I got there really threw a wrench in my plans.

Continue reading “Big Boy Time-Out Phone Sex”