Miranda 844-332-2639 ext 376

Have you ever wondered what it was like being the Daughter of a Trophy Wife? Well, to be honest, it was a fantastic way to grow up. It might have been different if I were a boy, but I was lucky to be born a girl. My mom explained it to me many years ago. A woman’s job is to be as perfect as humanly possible for her man. Exercise, eat right, weekly appointments for hair and mani-pedis, monthly spa trips. And a man’s job is to work hard and fulfill every need of his woman. Doesn’t that utterly sound fantastic?

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Cherrie 844-332-2639 Ext 448

Ever been with a Spoiled Redheaded Teen Brat? We are different from regular brats. I’m manipulative and dominant, but that isn’t the scary part. I’ll get into your head, play with your mind, and make you crave me. My sweet voice,  Spoiling a Redheaded Teen will give you more satisfaction than you’ve ever felt before.

Think of me as the red hot and spicy flavor of Candy Girl that will have you drooling and craving me endlessly. I won’t be satisfied until you are left confused and completely stripped of every last vestige of your manhood. You will trade in your balls for a life of complete and utter submission to your Ginger Goddess. Bow down and beg for every ounce of my attention. Worship my incredible body and especially this fire crotch. Hotter than a pepper sprout and ready to blow your mind is what I am. Experience Ginger Power for yourself.

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Ronnie 1-844-332-2639 Ext 443

I haven’t been here long, and this is all new to me, but I’m loving learning so many new things! We never had talk like this back on the farm, but I’ll be darned if it hasn’t been a great time. It’s like my own little college for sex! I heard from some of the other girls that y’all even like spankin’ a gal during a romp in the hay.

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Horny Sexbot

Horny Sexbot

Rita 844-33-CANDY Ext 413

Master has been working overtime lately, and that leaves me at home. A horny and bored sexbot. I pace the house waiting for his return, sometimes sitting on my charger to make sure I’m ready for however he wants to use me when he gets home. However, because of the long hours, he has been returning home exhausted. He eats, showers, and goes to bed! Without even using any of my horny ports for his pleasure. You may think that a sexbot wouldn’t care if she is being used or not, but as an artificially intelligent sexbot, I’m too horny not to be used!

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Castration Preparation

Valerie 844-332-2639 Ext 243

Trisha is a very special friend that I’ve started babysitting regularly. In fact, I’ve been over to her house so often that she’s started calling me Mommy. I think it is very sweet how she looks up to me and wants to be a girl just like me.

Every time I change her diaper, I’m reminded that we aren’t actually the same. Poor little Trisha has a little clitty button and useless balls packed into her diaper. As her new mommy, I’ve decided castrating sweet Trisha will make us both so much happier! So now, the castration preparation begins!

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dirty filthy panty whore my panties

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

I came home late, thinking you’d be asleep. I heard the TV on upstairs and followed its sound to find you. When I entered the room, I found you, but not like how I expected to, no. I found you laying in bed, passed out, face down, wearing my panties.

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Hot Older Men

Avery 1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

For as long as I can remember I’ve always had a thing for hot older men. I don’t care what anyone says experience in bed is worth more than anything and older men never let me down.

It all started when I was in college. I was shy and reserved but wanting to come out of my shell. I had grown up very sheltered and being at college was a way for me to explore who I really was. The year started pretty normally, and I had made a ton of new friends. But only a select few of them knew a secret I was keeping, I had met a man almost twice my age and we were together.

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Game Night Distractions

Shemale Alexus 1844-332-2639 Ext 349

Friday night, I was sitting at my desk, playing a roleplaying game with some friends from out of state. My head was in the game, and I wasn’t thinking about anything more than the tasks in front of me. My determined focus is probably the reason why the little sex kitten that crawled up between my legs took me by such surprise.

I muted the mic as she nuzzled her sweet cheek against my inner thigh. When I looked down, she pressed a finger to her wet lips as if to shush me and whispered, “Ignore me, Mommy. If you can.”

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ABDL Mommy

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

I love my babies just as much as the next ABDL mommy. But sometimes….man…sometimes they really test my patience. I recently became a full-time mommy to a little boy named Ethan, who I thought would be a total angel. Unfortunately I was very, very wrong.

When I tell people that I’m an ABDL mommy they think my days are filled with the sweet joys of motherhood while taking care of my babies. However, as cute as they can be the naughty ones will push every single button you have.

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Accidental Cheating

Francie xXx 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

I swear it was accidental cheating! Let me tell you what happened, and you can decide for yourself. This guy I’ve been seeing asked me to attend his office Halloween party with him. We haven’t really been that serious, but I felt like this was an excuse for him to show me off and try to make things more official.

I’m not really into being “official,” but I love an excuse to dress up. He picked out this really sexy Princess Leia costume for me, and he would dress as Darth Vader. We got dressed and arrived at his office building the night of the party. They had the lights dimmed down to nearly off and spooking lighting flashing as fake thunder rumbled over the music. Everyone was wearing incredible costumes, and we started dancing with his coworkers.

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