
VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

You weren’t quite prepared for me were you? You thought it would be just another phone sex call. But, the moment you heard my seductive voice, deep down you knew you were done for.

It was only a matter of time before you totally belonged to me. You no longer had a will of your own. Your only purpose in life was to serve your mistress. And the spell I cast that first time is still in full effect now. 

Continue reading “Vanessa’s Utter Domination Phone Sex”

stuck in the dressing room

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

Well this is awkward, isn’t it, sweetie?  Looks like you and I are stuck in the dressing room together.  Not sure why the door handle won’t turn.  Well, while we’re waiting you can try on those swim trunks.  I don’t care that it’s almost fall, they were on sale, so try ’em on!  You’ll grow into them.  Oh my, looks like you’re doing a good bit of growing, aren’t you?  At-ta-ta-ta, don’t pull those back up.  Take those pants off and try on those shorts, now, mister!

Continue reading “Stuck in the Dressing Room With Mom Phone Sex”

back to school

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

Hold it right there, young man!  You think that just because you woke up late, skipped breakfast, didn’t comb your hair worth a damn, and almost forgot your books that you can forget kissing Mommy goodbye?  I don’t think so, march that tush right back here!  I don’t care if you’re going to.. ah, there it goes, bye bus!  Yeah, you missed the bus.  Now march your ass back here, we have to have some words… or some back to school spankings.

Continue reading “Back To School Spankings Phone Sex”

fuck my ass

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

It’s Friday, we made it!  Did you have a tough week, too?  Work sucked, wife on your case, you just want to say “fuck it” to all of it, don’t you?  Yeah, I understand.  How about instead of “fuck it” you fuck my ass?  I guarantee it’ll be just what you need to take all your misfortune away.

Continue reading “Fuck My Ass Friday Phone Sex”

phone sex therapy

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

Yes, good evening – please sit down.  I’m Dr. Wallace, nice to meet you.  I don’t normally see clients at this time of evening, but I figured it sounded like you were in quite a predicament.  Now as I understand it from your voicemail, you are hopelessly addicted to phone sex, is that right?  I see.. well I’m sure we can help you.  I have quite a deep understanding of men’s sexual desires and needs.  Through this, I’ve been able to help men like you understand your needs and address them properly.  So please take a seat on the couch for some phone sex therapy.

Continue reading “Phone Sex Therapy Session”

smooth pussy

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

Do you have a preference on pussy type?  I’m talking… uhhh, “grooming”, I guess?  You know, do you like them with the full on bush, or maybe groomed slightly?  Or do you prefer a completely bald and smooth pussy, something easy for your tongue and fingers to glide across?  Do you like that, sweetie?  I mean, I rock the landing strip pretty damn well if you ask me, but there are times when I like to go completely bald and bare… just for you.  A lickable smooth pussy all for you.

Continue reading “Smooth Pussy Phone Sex”

spankings for a naughty boy

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

It’s terrible, isn’t it.  I’ve gone so long without giving proper spankings to a naughty boy that I’m starting to see tanned asses everywhere I go.  I just have a need to spank a naughty behind, and everyone is being a good boy.  This is total nonsense!  Auntie Serinda is going to give your room, your homework and your chores a thorough audit to make sure you’re living up to par, and if anything is out of sorts – it’s spankings for a naughty boy!  Now where do we start…

Continue reading “Spankings For a Naughty Boy Phone Sex”

horny milf seduction

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

Do you think you have what it takes to conquer me?  You think that just because you see another horny MILF, looking for cock, that she’ll fall for your meager tools of seduction?  Believe me when I say that your quest won’t be that easy.  I’ve seen them come and I’ve seen them go, and they all go the same… quivering in a pile of shame and failure.  Do you think you’ll fare better?  Prove it.

Continue reading “Horny MILF Seduction Phone Sex”

Goddess Collette — 1-844-332-2639  ext 383

it definately seems like you are clearly gawking my hot and seductive body.  Of course, you wake up thinking about me and you go to sleep thinking about me. During the day, you’re procrastinating because you daydream about me.

I want you on your knees and worship my amazing body.  I have numerous men who beg me to give them a chance to worship my feet, worship my tits, worship my ass.  I want you to smell me, touch me, taste me, feel me.   Continue reading “You Claim You Want to Worship Me Phonesex”

spoil me

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

Imagine my surprise when my doorbell rang today!  (And not while I was ringing my own doorbell as it were)  I rushed to the front door to see a package I was not expecting at all.  It was a special package, from a very special boy.  All he wanted to do was spoil me and show me what a good boy he was.  Not only did he spoil me, but he made me very happy.  And I’m going to tell you all about it.

Continue reading “Spoil Me Phone Sex – A Thank You from Serinda”