Mistress Noel <3 1-844-332-2639 ext 379

My husband has made a new friend at work.  His new friend is tall and handsome and has a giant bulge in his trousers.  I have encouraged hubby to bring his new friend over several times.  Mark has noticed me as well and I am so happy my plans as worked so well.  My hubby’s new friend is about to get his brains fucked out while I cuck my subbie hubbie.

Continue reading “Hubby’s New Friend PHONESEX”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

When someone hears that I’m a witch there are a few questions that always comes up. Are you for real? Can you do a spell for me? Are you a good witch or a bad witch? Once someone gets those questions out of their system then comes the really fun questions. Do you use your magic to fuck? Can you control a man’s cock?

And my favorite of all; do you have to fuck demons!? People think that witches mean demon interaction. They would be right. For some of us anyway. So, the answer to the question do I have to fuck demons. Well, no but I do. Why would I not want to fuck a magical being with powers that dance on the line of pain and pleasure?

Continue reading “~ I’m a witch phonesex~”

Chronic masturbators have to just stroke it and stroke it. Must females hate that but I reap the benefits of it. They are so fun. I make them really go to town on their fucking cocks. Aggressive Stroking With Vixen Jade turns rough.

I have a caller that is and he can’t stop, he has to stroke his cock over and over. The fun I have asking questions while he strokes it is so much fun. I wonder how long you could last while I make you tell me things like your wife’s real name? I might even ask for her number too. Continue reading “Aggressive Stroking With Vixen Jade Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

My wheel of punishments and duties is actually going to be used for the very first time. I really thought my cuck hubby was going to be able to keep to his new year’s resolution but he’s already off the behave bandwagon. All the punishments are covered up. So, he doesn’t even know what’s up there. He decided it would be a good idea for him to yell at me from across the house when I told him to come here.

So off to spin the wheel we go. Where it stops hell, I don’t even know. I can smell his fear. He knows I put a lot of effort into making this wheel. He knows none of his old punishments are on there anymore. There are far worse in their place now. He’s going to wish for a gum job from an old lady when I’m done with him.

Continue reading “Wheel Of Punishments Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

Yea times are tough even for a sexy as fuck hot ass teen like me. Everyone is just stayin in and not doin a whole lot. So my pool of guys to fuck is goin down the drain. I guess it’s time for me to get online and find me a tender fuck. Believe it or not, I have actually never done the whole tender fuck thing.

I never had to. I have always had men around to fuck so never been an issue for me. Though now that I have a tender and I’m lookin around at all the hot dick and all the hot options; I’m actually a bit ticked off that I haven’t done this before. It’s just a mass of huge cocks ready to spread this tiny teen open.

Continue reading “Sexy as fuck PHONESEX”

Cock Mastery

844-332-2639 Ext. 344

I have a cool idea! It’s the truth, too. You no longer have a say in your life! I’m going to be making the decisions for you now. I control what happens, I make the rules, your wants, your needs, your desires? They just simply don’t matter anymore! Why, then you ask, can I do this? Its simple, silly boy. I’m a dick master, I have full cock mastery. You already know you’d do anything I told you. You’d do it because your dick commands it. To bow to me!

You and your stupid cock think they make all the decisions and they’re good enough to do that? But guess what, I own that dick now. Its my dick. I decide if its happy, or if its sad. I let you stroke and touch, fuck and smile, or I keep all that cum stuffed inside.

Continue reading “Cock Mastery Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 411

Did you know that a Domme like myself from time to time make house calls? Yes, for special clients and for those who make it worth our while we will go above and beyond for some. In this case, myself making a house call was well worth my while. Walking into his home that I have a key to. Which by the way is fun all in itself as my client is married and his wife has no idea of our fun rendezvous.

From the moment I step into the house the reason, I made such a trip would be clear to all who would be able to see. On the ground at my feet is a 20$ bill. I will not bend down to gather it as that act would be beneath me. Moving forward I do see not more than a foot from it another 20$ bill. A decent distance depending on where the trail ends.

Continue reading “Domme like myself phonesex”


VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

Aren’t you tired of that old bag you call a wife? Since you came across me, you can’t even look at her without the disgust showing on your face. Did you really think that you could pull one over on the old ball and chain? You should have known that once a woman becomes the least bit suspicious, she turns into a world class detective. She will probe and discover all of your dirty little secrets.

Checking your phone records, bank statements, etc. That is only the beginning. You are officially fucked. She will be out for vengeance at that point and your ass will be in trouble.

Continue reading “Vanessa’s Make The Resolution For An Upgrade Phone Sex”

By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

My uncle got me a job at the golf course. He said it was going to be just serving drinks and looking cute. I can do that! On my first day, I wore a cute golf skirt and a little pink polo. The sexy socks that pull up over my knee. The weather was perfect for golfing, and the parking lot was packed.

I walked inside, feeling excited and ready to get to work. My boss was a pudgy older man who kept licking his lips while looking at how the polo pulled over my big tits. He shuffled himself around his desk and hugged me into his body. “You look great. I’ll show you to your first group.”

Continue reading “19th Hole Phonesex”

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

My sissy came over today to play with her Miss. When she came to the door she didn’t look like her sissy self and it was up to me to dress her and make her into my beautiful sex doll fuck toy.

Continue reading “Sissy Sex Doll Phonesex With Sinful Serinda”