VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

Keeping your cock in check. This is exactly what I have in store for you. Think of this as the beginning of the end for you. Yes, the time is at hand. We both know how desperately you are in need of my services. It’s apparent that you are incapable of controlling your depraved urges. This is why you require my specific skill set. Admitting that you have a phone sex addiction will help me to help you. I am the ultimate solution to your “little” problem.

It isn’t normal to jerk off 24/7 and let everything else in your life fall by the wayside. Giving over control of your masturbatory habits to someone like me will give you the structure and that rush of excitement you’ve been craving. Continue reading “Keeping Your Cock In Check”

WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

Spending Daddy’s money aka elite sugaring is so easy but that’s just the beginning of my relationship with a new Daddy.  Most people think that being a Sugar Baby must be so easy. The fact is, it requires a lot of finesse and skill. Am I entitled? Of course I am because I deserve all of the things and more. What else would you expect? I always get everything i want. And I do mean everything. Does that mean that I will spend Daddy’s money? Yes, I will. The difference is, I never have to ask or demand. Daddy always wants to spend it on me.

Continue reading “Spending Daddy’s Money aka Elite Sugaring”

xoX TorrenceXox (844-332-2639) ext 415

Shut your ass up and sit in that chair. “Yes, Miss Torrence”, you respond waddling with the XL butt plug I just placed in your ass. *Swat* “It’s Mistress Torrence to you, clit boy.” All day you’ve been upsetting me, and I’ve had about enough of it! Disobeying rules, making a mess around the house, and you even had the nerve to masturbate without permission. So now it’s time for you to learn a lesson. I gag you with the panties you’ve been wearing all day, and place you on your knees, on the pink little cushion I bought you. Even though you’re my sub, and i’ll fuck you up in a hot minute. I want you to be comfortable while you watch what’s about to unfold.

Continue reading “Submissive Forced Cuckold phonesex”

GIGI 844-332-2639 ext 299

I opened the door for him, and he steps over the threshold. I smiled slightly at him. In high heels, I am is almost the same height as him. Smiling back to me, he automatically reaches out his hands to my ass. There is an open bottle of wine and two glasses on the table in the game room. But much more he was interested in an open huge bag with various devices and … a spanking bench in the middle of the room.

He took off his pants, left only his shorts, and laid down on my knees. The first slaps on the ass gives him pleasure. I turned my head to see our reflection in the mirror…Yes, I must admit, I get a special thrill when I see how I do spanking…The force of the blows gradually increases, finally, I get the most intense spanking that he is capable to handle…Buttocks tingle…He sighs with pleasure when I gently run my hand over the hot buttocks. Continue reading “Pain is Your Pleasure for Tonight Phonesex”

xoX Torrence Xox (844-332-2639) ext 415

Wallet wallet on the floor, tell them who you most adore. Torrence! I already knew that, but I just like to hear you say it. Financial domination is something you dream of, and baby girl needs her hair and nails done. I know that you like to see me kept, and I love it when you “keep” me. From shopping sprees, trips to the keys, to pretty jewels and sippin’ drinks by the pool. I want it all baby, and guess who’s going to give it to me? You! But you already knew that. Working those long shifts finally paid off, because now you can afford to buy me all that I want. 

Continue reading “Financial Domination phonesex”

TOM 1-844-332-2639 ext. 342

Suck My Skid Marks: Every fuck boy wants me, that’s without question. I won’t deny it. My dick just doesn’t disappoint. But I need something more from a faggot. I met this guy named Brian down at my local deli. I could tell he was a cocksucker from a mile away, but I had no idea that he had a particular fetish that I would come to enjoy indulging him in.

The motherfucker loved to sniff and suck on my dirty underwear and jock straps. The funny thing is he really enjoyed the skid marks. In fact, he would beg me to strain when I farted so the skid marks would be extra “meaty” for him.

Continue reading “Suck My Skid Marks”

HONEY 1-844-332-2639, ext. 300

Ladies first, so lick this pussy. I have a reputation as a bad ass bitch. Of course I can put it down but what I really need is a man who is able to treat this pussy right. Lick it, fuck it and all of the things. You don’t need to worry about getting yours until I’ve had mine.

Always appreciate fine ass pussy like this. It deserves worship and honor. Get that tongue working on it. Sitting on your face and grinding on your tongue is where I need to be.

Continue reading “Ladies First, So Lick This Pussy”


VANESSA 1-844-332-2639 ext 232

Spring Financial Breakdown – Spring is a season of renewal and definitely time for a financial breakdown for you. Admit it, this is something you have craved for awhile. It’s not something to be taken lightly no matter how fun and even frivolous it sounds. The question is do you have what it takes to back up all of your talk? We shall see. You say you are a pay piggy, but we shall see if the proof is in the piggy pudding.I always start off slow and seductive, testing you and feeling you out to see exactly what your limits are. I expect full submission and for you to spoil and pamper me. What I don’t expect are false promises and lying piggies.

You will be fully expected to be good to your word. If you don’t follow through there will be consequences. Prepare yourself accordingly.

Continue reading “Spring Financial Breakdown – Proof Is In The Piggy Pudding”

WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

Taxing Tiny Dicks – Just look at that pathetic excuse for a penis. You seriously do not measure up. I suppose when they were handing out dicks, you got what was leftover? That’s really sad for you but hilarious and lucrative for me. Since it’s almost tax time as in taxes are due, I’ve decided to tax your cock. The less dick you have, the more you pay. It really makes sense if you think about it. The great thing is that you actually get some attention from me. So, just refer to the chart and see how you measure up or in your case how you don’t measure up.

Continue reading “Taxing Tiny Dicks – Losers Pay By The Inch”


She began using the magic wand first since my little pure pussy was something they had never had in hell. As she massaged my pink pussy with the rod, I felt her long tongue slither into my pussy. Wow, spencer, I have never tasted something so sweet. You taste like heaven. Continue reading “Queen Of The Demons Pussy Phone Sex Part Two”