Daddy Joins The Book Club

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

Rain splattered against the window pane from the sideways wind blowing outside, creating the perfect reading backdrop. Grey clouds filtered bits of light through the heavy rain that held on to winter’s last bits of chill. My eyes hungrily scanned the pages of our book club’s latest smutty novel. I lay snuggled in the couch with my knees rubbing against each other. April showers might be dousing the world outside in chilly wetness, but this book had a fire burning in my panties. They were soaked, just not from the rain.

I heard the door open, and my gaze flicked from the page long enough to see Daddy shrugging out of his coat and hanging it in the hall closet. We locked eyes for a split second before I looked back to the steamy pages. “Is that the next book in the series?” He asked while coming closer. I hummed an acknowledgment as I nodded but refused to look away again. It was getting so hot! “Read it to me? I haven’t been able to dig into my copy.”

Continue reading “Daddy Joins The Book Club”


                                  XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419 – OOXX Anna 1-844-332-2639 ext 203

It was Tami’s birthday, and she bursted through the nursery like a bat out of hell screaming it all throughout the house: ‘’it’s my birthdayyyyy! Mommies! Where’s my mommies. It’s Tamis birthday!!!!!!!!”” running everywhere in her actual birthday suit. When she came downstairs she was met with Mommy Laylene and Mommy Anna. They were sitting dressed to the nines in their black stockings, lingerie and high heels. There was a big pink box on the coffee table with a bow on it. ‘’Go ahead,’’ said Laylene ‘’open it!’’ Tami ripped through the bow and wrapping, thrashing it everywhere. Tami gasped with joy when she finally opened it to see what it was.

Continue reading “Happy Birthday Sissy Baby Tami! (Pt 1)”

Your Wife

Naughty Naomi 844-332-2639 ext 216

I called your wife today.  She didn’t seem all that surprised to get a call from me.  You thought you were being sneaking and getting away with cheating with me on her behind her back.  But you underestimated both of us.  You thought I’d continue to listen to your lies about how you plan to leave her for me.  Then you thought that she was completely clueless about what you have doing with me for months.  Now you reap the seeds you’ve sewn.  I got tired of listening to your empty promises.  So, I took matters into my own hands.  Turns out, I like your wife better than I like you.

Continue reading “Naughty Naomi Called Your Wife Today”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Once we arrived back at his office, I could not help but notice he was now holding on to that briefcase for dear life, meaning only one thing there must be something more he does not wish for me to see. At this point my mind was ablaze with curiosity, as my panties were becoming wetter and wetter with anticipation shall we get to that contract I asked, he was now seated on the leather couch in the office.


Continue reading “Mommy’s Tami – the Executive appointment”

You Can’t Cum

Avery 1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

When was the last time someone told you that you can’t cum? That’s right, no cumming! Have you ever been straight up denied? If the thought of that got your cock hard then I know you’d love to talk to me about orgasm denial.

Guys like you think you deserve to cum every time you want to just because all the ladies you meet think you’re hot. Well, I guess you’ve never met a girl like me because you have to earn your orgasm. And even after I put you through your paces, you still might not get your orgasm if I’m not 100% satisfied.

Continue reading “You Can’t Cum Until I Allow It”

The Sweetest Nightmare Part Two

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Part one

My eyes closed, and  I flinched back. I knew the blow would come, but I expected it to land on my cheek. He didn’t hit me in the face. Instead, he struck me in the chest. Hard and repeatedly. Right on my breastbone. Hard enough, I felt the bones splintering and stabbing at my tender places. I wheezed as my vision blurred. Pain pulsed through every inch of me as he fisted his cock with his swollen knuckles and forced my legs open.

I tried to cover my pussy from his intrusion with the last bits of strength I possessed. It was useless. He was big and strong, and I was small and broken. When would the nightmare end?

Continue reading “The Sweetest Nightmare Part Two”

You Don't Know Who You Are Dealing With

Trans Alexus 1844-332-2639 Ext 349

Some clients are pushy, and others are downright dumb. Everyone knows there are things a girl can and can not do while tickling the no-taboo lines of reality and fantasy. But the bad boys ask to blur the lines and push the boundaries. That’s all well and fine until you realize that you don’t know who the fuck you are dealing with.

There is one cocksucking loser who really, really longs to be exposed…when he’s hard. He thinks that just because he came and doesn’t want to play anymore that I’ll take back all the things I’ve done and said that made him cum. Sorry, dummy, It doesn’t work that way.

Continue reading “You Don’t Know Who You Are Dealing With”

Vivian 844-332-2639 ext. 254

Degradation and humiliation is something I really enjoy and something that comes naturally to me. I am a sweetheart and have a heart of gold. But I can also be cold and cruel; dark and sadistic even, when I need to be. Let’s just say, I’m the nicest bitch you will ever know.

Just ask “Vivian’s sissy bitch”. He is one of my most pathetic disgusting callers. He can’t decide if he is a sissy or not, bounces between being into age-play and BBC, has a little dick and is a closeted gay man. The list goes on and on with this loser. How ridiculous is that!

No matter how mean I am to him he keeps coming back for more like the dumb fuck he is. He is addicted to me, obsessed even and I love it. Even when he gets on my last nerves and I block his ass, I find myself unblocking him so I can verbally abuse him again and again. There is nothing that turns me on more than a man making me feel good while I treat him like the repugnant scumbag he is! Continue reading “Degradation and Humiliation At Its Finest”

National Pet Day

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

The fuzzy tail that hung from my butt plug teased my cheeks as I swished my ass side to side. I’d heard his car; Master was home. On my hands and knees, I wiggled with excitement! It’s National Pet Day, which means he’ll bring me home a special treat today!

I didn’t know what it was, but my heart pounded under my swaying breasts. The name tag dangled from my collar at the hollow of my throat as I sat tall on my heels, and he opened the door. My tongue lulled out of my mouth, and I held my hands up like the good pet I am, panting a greeting.

Continue reading “National Pet Day”

"Not yet, Babydoll."

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

“Chris,” His name slipped from my lips without intention. My head pushed back into the soft pillow; my spine bowed in desperation. Arching my hips into his hand as, he pleasured me with the slowest strokes of his fingers. I felt his smile against my neck before I heard his steady voice whisper over my flushed skin.

“Not yet, Babydoll.” I gritted my teeth against his wishes. My body was singing for him as he played it like an instrument, only he’d been playing for so long now that I was teetering on the brink. Every nerve ending screamed for release that he wouldn’t allow. My fingers curled around his forearm, feeling the muscles and tendons move under my grip. I needed to cum; another moment of balancing on this sharp edge would surely shatter me. His fingers drew back, leaving me panting, and I watched him swirl his wet fingers around my stiff nipple. Coating it in the visible need he caused.

Continue reading ““Not yet, Babydoll.””