Daddy’s Girl

Avery 1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

I’m a simple daddy’s girl who needs some big, daddy cock. That’s why I’m glad you’re calling me for some daddy daughter fucking because I’ve been thinking about your dick being inside of me 24/7 lately. Once a daddy’s girl gets her first real cock it’s hard to focus on anything else.

Do you remember the first time you fucked me daddy? You snuck into my room after mommy was asleep and you told me that you needed to talk to me about something. I was sleepy and confused, but you said to just relax because it was going to be a really fun conversation…

Continue reading “Daddy’s Girl Needs Some Cock”

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

“It’s cookie o’clock! ” the little Girl Scouts yelled as they bounced from foot to foot outside the supercenter’s front doors. Today’s the last day to sink your teeth into some Girl Scout cookies!” another cheered. Her friend bumped her with her elbow and added, “At least until next year.” They burst into a fit of giggles while waving thin mint boxes at customers coming and going.

A dark thought tingled in the back of my mind. Maybe it was the last day for most people to taste such a delicious treat, but I could make this a profitable opportunity for myself. Desperate girls make stupid girls.

Continue reading “Girl Scout Cookies”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

I live to find ways to get my older brother spanked.  So, snooping is one of my favorite activities to do when I get bored.  Mommy Anna was busy cooking for the school bake sale.  Big brother had baseball practice and wasn’t home.  That left me with far too much free time on my hands.

First, I snooped through big brother’s room and found some naughty magazines with naked girls inside.  Then, I went snooping through Mommy’s drawers and found a leather paddle.  Mommy must have hidden it there to use the next time big brother ended up over her lap.

Continue reading “Zoey’s Snooping Gets Her Spanked by Mommy Anna”

Aynsley 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 459

Daddy treats me like a princess, his perfect little princess. He showers me with gifts and affection, always making sure I’m happy. The other day, Daddy surprised me with a sparkly new tiara and matching sapphire necklace. “My princess deserves to have the finest jewels,” he whispered in my ear, his hot breath tickling my skin. I felt myself shiver with delight.

Of course, Daddy knows that this princess also deserves the finest designer clothes. He takes me shopping and lets me pick out anything I want, no matter the price. This week, I chose a sexy little red bikini, the kind that makes Daddy’s eyes light up with lust when I model it for him. Watching Daddy’s reaction motivates me to be the best girl I can be for him.

Continue reading “Perfect Little Princess”

Rachel 1*844*332*2639 Ext 457

My professor had told me to see him after class. So I did. Long story short, his wife caught me. I was under his desk, sucking his dick. She wasn’t happy. Then she told me to be at their house at 6:30. I wasn’t going to show up. Because I was so scared. But he texted me and told me that I could not be late. So then I was scared not to go. I was in for it, I thought. She was humiliated, I’m sure. And she’s vindictive, I know.

As I approached the door, I was trembling. She opened it and invited me in. He was sitting quietly on the sofa. It was dark. And he was just looking down at the floor. I began to get even more concerned. I was getting even stronger Mommy Dearest vibes. She was dressed like her, looked like her, and even acted like her. She told me to go sit down on the sofa. So I did. Then she began to tell me how my professor hasn’t been attracted to her for many years. She said she couldn’t even remember the last time they had sex.

Continue reading “See Me After Class Part 3”

1844-33-CANDY EXT 423

In the quiet of our shared home with my step-brother, everyone else was fast asleep, their snores a soft symphony that filled the air. I found myself restless, my body buzzing with an insatiable desire. I knew exactly what I wanted, or rather, who I wanted. You, my stepbrother, the one man who could stir such an intense longing within me.

I tiptoed into your room, my heart pounding like a drum, matching the rhythm of my pulsating core. You were sprawled on your bed, the moonlight casting a silver glow on your bare torso. I couldn’t help but admire the way your muscles rippled under your skin. I slipped under the covers, snuggling up against you, my back to your front. Your cock was already hard and ready, poking against my ass. I couldn’t resist the urge to tease you. I wriggled my hips, pressing my ass harder against your dick, eliciting a soft groan from you. Continue reading “My Irresistible Step-Brother”

Tinkle, Tinkle

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

“Tinkle, Tinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are,” I sing softly while kneeling in front of the potty. My fingers tickle from your knee to your thigh, and we both smile as you giggle.

“Val, stop! I don’t wanna sit here anymore.”A little pout tugs at your lips, and I sigh, slumping back onto my butt to lean against the wall.

“I know, little guy, but your Mommy is tired of diapers and says it’s time you learned to use the big boy potty. Just relax and let go. Maybe you should try singing to me!”

Continue reading “Tinkle, Tinkle”

The Diaper Doctors

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

This may look like any other daycare, but deep inside the colorful building is the operating room. In this cool, sterile place, Doctor Lea and Doctor Amber perform their experiments on diaper boys. Don’t be frightened; it’s all in the name of science.

Once the stinky patient is strapped down to the medical table, his legs held high in stirrups, and his arms banded over his head, the Doctors come in. Purple, latex-gloved hands high in the air with surgical masks covering most of their beautiful faces. Their eyes peer over the mask, down at the squirming patient with excitement.

Continue reading “The Diaper Doctors”

Rachel 1*844*332*2639 Ext 457

I was staying after class for extra credit. When my professors wife came. I was under the desk sucking away at his rock hard cock. But it went limp when he saw her. Hehe. I tried to be very quiet. But she knew something was going on. So she came over and pulled his chair out. And saw me under his desk. She was so mad. But all I could do was giggle. Which infuriated her even more. He was in shock. There was no innocent explanation possible. So he didn’t even try. He zipped his pants. I could tell that he was really worried. She was horrid. I think the thing he was worried about most was his career. She was a vindictive and she could totally ruin him. This wasn’t good at all. Now she had him exactly where she wanted him. I saw the satisfied smirk emerge and take over. Her mind was going crazy. He looked petrified. She was giving me Mommy Dearest vibes. “Get out from under there Rachel” she spit through gritted teeth. Uh oh. We are both so screwed. I thought.

Continue reading “See Me After Class Part 2”

You've Upset Daddy

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

“Mom! Mom! Please, Mommy!” I shoved the nursery door open and looked sternly at you, kneeling in your crib, holding on to the bars.

“What?” I snapped, holding the skimpy nightie against my chest to cover the flush blooming there. My hair was a mess, and my makeup had been kissed across my face.

“What are you doing? I can hear so much noise.” Your lower lip trembled as you pouted, and I noticed you were humping your soggy diaper against the crib bars. My eyes rolled, and I pushed back my blonde hair, then told you that you knew EXACTLY what was happening, and if you didn’t stop interrupting by screaming my name, Daddy would be upset.

Continue reading “You’ve Upset Daddy”