Rachel 1844-332-2639 Ext 457

At our church, we do volunteer days. It’s very important to us to help and serve others. So during high school, I would volunteer one day a month at the skilled nursing facility. There was never a dull moment. I would host bingo night sometimes and they would get so crazy! Lol! One night they asked if I could help bathe Mr. Miller. Of course I agreed. It was late and there was only one nurse working. Luckily it was a man because Mr. Miller was recovering from a stroke and wasn’t able to move so we were going to have to lift him into the shower. That wasn’t something I was trained to do or strong enough to do. He was able to get him moved by himself. But when I went in all I could hear is Mr. Miller yelling about not wanting a man to bathe him. I could tell this wasn’t the first time he’d caused such a fuss by the frustrated look on Cutis’ face. He didn’t have time for this. He had other patients that needed his attention. So he asked if I would mind bathing him by myself.

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Rachel 1844-332-2639 Ext 457

My secret crush as a kid was my Daddy’s best friend. He got married and broke my heart. The years went by and I went on about my life. We still saw each other at church but I had new interests and I was busy with school and everything I had going on. Then I decided that I wanted to help with the youth group during my senior year. He’s been in charge of it since I can remember. Going to the prep meetings with him started stirring up some old feelings. They were different though, more mature. He was looking at me and treating me like an adult. He acted as if he was astonished that I was grown and so understanding. We had long conversations. I saw the spark in his eyes that used to be there. I hadn’t really had time to think about them much. They seemed so happy and then slowly over the years, not so much. It was mechanical. They were just doing what they were supposed to be doing as a married couple. But they weren’t really taking into consideration if they were truly happy.

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