Age Regression Titty Milk

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

Having big, fat boobs is hard on a woman’s back. Things thing spring up early on, and I’ve had back pain for years! Thinkin’ I could do somethin’ about it, I went to this hippy dippy voodoo shop hidden in a back alley downtown. Now, I told that weird-looking lady with all the spices and potions that I couldn’t afford a breast reduction, so I needed a potion that would shrink my mammoth titties, and she said she had just the thing.

She must have been as bad at magic as she was about bathin’ cus not only did she stink, but she didn’t reduce my tit size at all! Instead, now whenever a man sucks on my juicy titties, his age regresses! Continue reading “Age Regression Titty Milk”

Rita 844-33-CANDY EXT413

Geppetto, a master craftsman, had just finished painting the details of yet another sex doll’s perfect face. She slumped on top of his workbench. Her pale pink lips parted, ready to be penetrated, and her flat brown eyes starred through him. His thumb traced the curve of her lower lip, and he sighed. “You’ll make someone very happy.” He spoke to the doll, who would never be able to respond to him.

Then Geppetto stepped back and looked over the doll’s body. He designed her from the top of her lush brown to the tips of her manicured toes. He knew the weight of her breasts against his palms and the stretch of her hips, but he’d never be able to sample such a beauty. She was meant for someone else. Tugging his gaze away from his most beautiful creation, Geppetto looked out his window longingly. The north star blinked brightly back at him, and he closed his eyes to make a wish he never dreamed would come true.

Continue reading “When You Wish Upon A Star”