Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

“It’s cookie o’clock! ” the little Girl Scouts yelled as they bounced from foot to foot outside the supercenter’s front doors. Today’s the last day to sink your teeth into some Girl Scout cookies!” another cheered. Her friend bumped her with her elbow and added, “At least until next year.” They burst into a fit of giggles while waving thin mint boxes at customers coming and going.

A dark thought tingled in the back of my mind. Maybe it was the last day for most people to taste such a delicious treat, but I could make this a profitable opportunity for myself. Desperate girls make stupid girls.

Continue reading “Girl Scout Cookies”

The Sweetest Nightmare Part Two

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Part one

My eyes closed, and  I flinched back. I knew the blow would come, but I expected it to land on my cheek. He didn’t hit me in the face. Instead, he struck me in the chest. Hard and repeatedly. Right on my breastbone. Hard enough, I felt the bones splintering and stabbing at my tender places. I wheezed as my vision blurred. Pain pulsed through every inch of me as he fisted his cock with his swollen knuckles and forced my legs open.

I tried to cover my pussy from his intrusion with the last bits of strength I possessed. It was useless. He was big and strong, and I was small and broken. When would the nightmare end?

Continue reading “The Sweetest Nightmare Part Two”

TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

There you sit, yet again, sad and depressed. I know you’re sad and depressed because you’ve come in every night this week to pour your heartbreaking stories all over the bartender. I suppose no one else would listen to your loathsome rambling without being paid to do so.

It seems you’ve got nothing to live for, or at least it seems you believe that by the way you talk to strangers, so tonight, I’m going to make you mine. Just like always, after a few too many, you stumble off your stool and make your way out the door and into the darkness.

Continue reading “Tonight You’re Mine”

Phone Sex To The End!

Gianna 844-332-2639 ext 355

You may stray from me and think you can go about your normal life without my presence. We’ll play here and there but ultimately you will not be able to stop thinking about me. I have many sides to me and if you were unfortunate enough to only experience one side then I feel sorry for you! I want you to hear my voice through the phone until it begins to poison your mind. We’ll become one until I lead you to permanent darkness.

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