Mommy Baby Playtime

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It’s been a while since I’ve checked in on my diaper babies. But honestly, there are just so many of you, and it’s just exhausting. I have to keep an entire wing of my very large house just to keep the ever-growing number of cribs you diaper babies require. I’ve had to hire a full-time nanny just to keep you all fed, clothed, and bathed. And while I’d love to give you all more loving mommy attention, there are just so many of you! But today, I’m here. I had my coffee, and your mommy is finally ready to come give you some attentions.

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Spanking Punishment

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

I didn’t want to have to give you this spanking punishment, but you’ve left me no choice. This week you have been extremely difficult for mommy Lucy, and I can’t have it any longer. You keep calling me and telling me how you want me to lie you down on the floor and change your diaper and then get you all dressed up and ready to go out to the playground.

But even though you know the rules you ALWAYS seem to have such a cummy mess in your diaper when I undo it. I’ve been very lenient with you about this (even after I told you that you’re NOT to cum in your diaper!) and to be frank, I’m tired of your disobedience.

Continue reading “Spanking Punishment For A Very Naughty Baby”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

My friend Donna has a son who is way too old for a babysitter, but for some reason, she always hires him one when she goes out. She says something about if he’s going to still live in her house at his age, then he’ll need to deal with a sitter. His normal babysitter canceled last minute, and Donna begged me to come stay with him so she could keep her plans.

I didn’t have any plans, so I agreed to hang out with him. I never minded babysitting. When I got to her house though, she pulled me aside and whispered, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I’m so embarrassed by it, but Mark is still a bedwetter. If you don’t want to change his sheets in the morning, just make him wear one of his diapers.” I didn’t really know how to respond; he was like a freshman! I did not expect to be on diaper duty tonight!

Continue reading “Babysitting A Bedwetter”

Diaper Lover

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

Are you a diaper lover in need of a mommy? Well, you’re in luck because I’m always looking for babies to join my nursery. What kind of things do you usually love doing with your mommy? I adore taking my babies shopping to pick out the perfect adult baby accessories.

Do you want to go on a shopping spree with me? It’s a really fun time for ABDL Mommies like me when I get to take my babies shopping. There are so many different things we can get for you! Blankets, diapers, outfits, shoes, pacis and obviously baby bottles!

Continue reading “A Diaper Lover Always Needs A Mommy”

I went shopping the other day at the tiny human store.  You never know when you will happen upon an ABDL baby needing a change or any other type of caring.  So, there I was minding my own business in the pamper aisle when suddenly I was struck with the most offensive odor.  “Phew!  Foochie!  What is the awful smell?”  There was a mommy and her little one in the aisle with me.  I asked her if that noxious odor was coming from her little one.  She picked her little one up and gave a big sniff assuring me it wasn’t her baby.

Continue reading “ABDL Baby Needing a Change”

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Loving AB/DL boys are is easy.  “Wakey up baby and let’s start our day” (he’s so cute when I wake him).  Today you can stay with Mommy Sylvia and don’t have to go to that big boy executive office downtown.  First, you have to have a bath in the little safety tub inside the big bathtub.  Mommy  Sylvia will make sure the water is warm and has plenty of bubbles.  Sitting on the side of the tub, I’ll sponge you clean while you play with your toy boats and rubber ducks.  After your bath, it’s time for wrapping you in your hooded towel and taking you back to the changing table.  “Tickle Tickle,” I say as I run my fingers on your tickle spots.  Then lifting you high enough for the fresh cloth diaper.  Because you will be with Mommy today; you don’t need the Huggies. Continue reading “Loving AB/DL boys”

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

It’s time for you to be honest with me, do you prefer bottles or dicks? I know that all of you ABDL phone sex babies love sucking on your pacifiers, bottles and my nipples, but I think it’s time that you graduated to something a little kinkier!!

I want to teach you to be a dirty little cock sucking adult baby slut. It would be awesome to have you around all the time to help me make my lovers happy. As horny as I am, sometimes I do get tired and that’s where you’ll come in. You’ll be willing and ready to get down on your little knees and open your mouth to suck on those big hard cocks. Just think of them as super hard, extra thick pacifiers.

Continue reading “Bottles And Dicks For My ABDL”

You wearing diapers is sexy.  I know you resist it because you think I won’t see you as a man.  But you don’t have to do that.  I love that wearing diapers makes you hard and dripping.  Let me put them on you, and we can enjoy some role-playing together.  There’s something about putting you in a big pamper that makes me feel sexy and maternal, especially when you ask to call me Mommy while you’re in that adorable crinkly diaper.  I love the little gleam in your eye when I go into dirty Mommy mode and watch the front of your diaper start to bulge and thicken.

Continue reading “Wearing Diapers is Sexy”

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

Are you a sweet, innocent ABDL or are you into some kinky anal play? I’ve told you before that some of my babies take their diapers off and put big things into their little bums. Are you a kinky baby like that too? You are, huh?

Well then, I have just the guy who wants to come over and do that for you. I was showing him pictures of you, and he got really excited when I told him that he could fuck you if he wanted to. That’s what it’s called when someone puts his pp in your ass. You probably didn’t know about anal play though being just a baby and all…

Continue reading “A Little Anal Play For My Naughty ABDL Boys”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

The grocery store was bustling with people trying to start their weekend fun. Everyone smelled of sunscreen and was hauling bags of ice, just itchy to fire up the bar-b-que. I was only there for the few necessities id run out of, but I do love people watching; you can see so many types of people here at the grocery store. Everyone’s gotta eat, right?

As I finished strolling around the aisles, I made my way to the checkout. All the lines were long, but I didn’t mind. I pushed my buggy over to the closest line and checked out the group in front of me. Three men, maybe in their late twenties, chatted together. The one closest to me was leaning over the buggy, the one in front of him had a twenty-four pack in his hands, and the other was prattling on about how hot Kelly was going to look in her bikini. I focused my attention on the man leaning over the buggy. Was that a diaper I spy poking from his shorts? Busted!

Continue reading “Busted By A Real Diaper Mommy”