Eastern European Mistress JasmineMISTRESS JASMINE 1-844-332-2639 ext. 262

You need to be punished for your perversions. We both know what those perversions are and how deep, dark and twisted is your mind.

I hold the strings, and I alone. You confessed it all to me, didn’t you? And I listened, oh yes! I listened very carefully because I knew that I would be able to use it ALL to my advantage. Did you really think you could escape from me? Think again, loser. You wither or flourish at my command. My word is gospel. And I intend to expose you to the world. I am going to punish you for your perversions.

Continue reading “Punished for Your Perversions Phonesex”

feel good
Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Blonde hair and blue eyes, they are your weakness, aren’t they? You see me flash my sexy smile and your knees grow week while your dick grows hard. It’s not your fault. It’s just how nature intended things to be.

Your gaze wanders down to my perky tits and your hands ache to clutch them while you kiss my lips. Do you have any idea why you want to be with me so badly? I’ll tell you, baby. It’s because your dick knows what a good mate I’d make.

Continue reading “Felicity, That Feel Good Feeling Phonesex”



WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

You offered it over to me. You wanted to give me access to all of your perverted activities. But now the panic has set in. You are scrambling to get even some bit of control back. But it’s too late, isn’t it? I own your pathetic ass now. You are so torn between desperation and elation.

Continue reading “Willow’s TeamViewer Temptress Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 206

Being bratty is so much fun and comes so easy for me. Don’t you agree that I’m a sexiest little bratty girl you have ever seen? I love batting my long eye lashes and licking my lips while looking into your eyes, to get and get away with anything I want or have done. Continue reading “Sexy Little Brat Phone Sex With Avril!!”

financial domination findom money tease and denial phone sex phonesex

Sadie 1-844-332-2639 ext 222

Certainly, situations like this call for some Financial Tease and Denial. Standing in line to check out, I reached into my purse and my billfold wasn’t in there. That morning I changed everything over to a new one and only now remembered that I didn’t actually put it back into my purse. With 3 people still in the line in front of me, I knew I needed to come up with a plan quickly. Lifting my eyes I scanned the immediate area. To the left of me, a man staring at my ass is the perfect recipient. Continue reading “Financial Tease and Denial Makes Shopping Fun Phonesex”

Eastern European Goddess JasmineJASMINE 1-844-332-2639 ext. 262

You’re mindfucked,. It was so easy. I started off slow but I slowly but surely, gently and smoothly, completely mindfucked and controlled you. .Your need for me is growing stronger all the time, isn’t it? And every time we are together, you end up missing me even more when we are apart. It is called addiction, you know. I am making your addiction for me grow and deepen and intensify every single time we are together.
And you know what that means? It means you will never get away from me. You will always be mine. Did you think you were in control of your desire? Oh how foolish you are not to realize– I am in control of your desire.

Continue reading “Mindfucked and Controlled Phone Sex”


“Now that all infinity lust stones are in my possession,” I said with a wicked laugh, “the mighty Infinity Dildo is complete!”

My naked body, tight and toned glistened in the sunlight as I waved the mighty Infinity Dildo in the air. The knowledge that my sexual destiny was about to reach fulfillment sent shivers of excitement and waves of wetness throughout my pussy.

The moment was nigh, as the Infinity Dildo, pulsating in my hand, inched closer and closer, my cunt ready to engulf …

Continue reading “The Infinity Dildo Phone Sex”

RHIANNA 1-844-332-2639 x 253

The thump of the bass was already pulsating through my core as I adjusted the volume on my stereo system to 10. Go big or fuck off home! I had just bathed and was in the process of adorning my perfect body. From the top of my gorgeous head to the tips of my flawless toes I looked fucking amazing. Beautiful … sexy … cunning … modest. All words used to describe me, Rhianna Knight.

An evening on the town and a night filled with fucking was on the menu as the final piece of the puzzle came into place in a pair of these sexy as hell high-heels that not only screamed “come fuck me,” but also “bring your fucking A game.” Limp dick’d one-minute men best steer clear of me tonight.

Continue reading “Doublestuffed Phonesex”

Pushed to the Edge

844-332-2639 ext. 205

I like to use people, I know one could say sometimes that a person isn’t to blame for their actions, but trust me, slut, I am very aware of how much pain I can and do cause, how uncomfortable I leave you. In fact its the one thing you’re probably able to guarantee you’ll make me happy with you, is to let me use you and hurt you for my own fun and games. But you want to be pushed to the edge, don’t you? Pushed further then you’ve ever gone before.

You’ll let me use you like a little fuck toy, won’t you? Submit to me totally and entirely right? Don’t worry, its not as though you’re going to have even a hint of a choice in it in the end.

Continue reading “Pushed to the Edge of Phone Sex Humiliation”


ALYSSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 202

I love egging you on. Getting you hard and then teasing you. Tempting you to do something you’ve never done before. I like to get you to take some risks. It’s fun and exciting. It gets your dick hard doesn’t it?

Continue reading “Alyssa’s Egging You On For Easter Phone Sex”