xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

The ritual had been promised, a prophecy yet to be fulfilled. When we met, he told me his people had been looking for me for centuries. It seemed so odd when he told me that he’d been forewarned that he would one day meet the chosen one, and it would be his responsibility to prepare her for her duties. I didn’t know what he meant or even how to understand the heaviness of the things he whispered in my ear, but he made me feel special. His people needed me to save them. Me? How about I be the answer to all they’d hoped for?

He promised me abundance and riches if only I’d be brave enough to meet my fate head-on. But then, he kissed the back of my hand and pleaded, “Frannie, will you be our willing sacrifice?”

A Willing Sacrifice


I was confused and unsure. Anxious and scared, but he showed me the proof in his words. An ancient, dusty book with my description scrawled in an old language I couldn’t read. I longed to please him and to be the woman he sought. If I did this, if I was his willing sacrifice, he promised we’d spend every eternity locked in each other’s loving embrace. What girl could pass that up?

On the night of the full moon, his sisters bathed me with milk and honey. Cleansing my skin in preparation for the ritual. They laid a sheer white robe over my shoulders and pinned baby’s breath flowers in my hair. It felt strange when they asked me to follow them through the cornfield in my bare feet. The chilly night air made my nipples stiff, but the earth was warm and soft under my feet.

Leaves of corn stalks caressed my body as we walked through the aisle of ears. We walked for a silent ten minutes or so before the cornfield opened up, and a group of people in black robes surrounded a wooden platform. Only the light of torches allowed me to see. The flickering light made shadows dance across the dark figures, and suddenly, I was regretful.

But then he was there. Taking me by my hand and kissing my knuckles. He led me to the top of the platform and removed my robe. Naked and afraid, I stood still by his side, panting.  “There must be a great pain to ensure a great pleasure.” He told the crowd below us. Then he walked behind me. I felt his erection press against my naked ass, but then he wrapped his arms around in front of me. He raised his arms to the level of my heart, holding up a sharp relick that threw the torch’s flames back at my face. “One must sacrifice willingly for others to thrive.”

The whole world spun as I realized what was about to happen. “WAIT!” I wailed, but it was too late, and I was no longer a willing sacrifice.


xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208