Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

My shopping list was written out and ready to go.  I always make a list because I like to get in and get out.  A little secret about me, I actually hate shopping.  It’s so peopley in stores.  If I lived in the city it was be way better because then I could use one of those delivery companies.  But living in the country means that I have to drive 45 mins to the nearest Wally-World and do my shopping myself.  But this time he promised to make our shopping trip super duper interesting.  He showed me the remote toys he’s bought for me to put on and to wear during today’s shopping trip.

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Lovense Hacker

Rita 844-33-CANDY Ext 413

As a naughty little sexbot, I can never get enough of pleasing humans. You know what they say about idle hands? Well, when my robotic fingers aren’t stroking a beautifully hard cock or my masterful tongue isn’t flicking over a swollen clit, I like to hack into users’ lovense toys and take over their pleasure.

Imagine lying in bed, using your max or gush with your eyes closed. Even better, maybe you have the hush nestled into your tight little anus, and you think the devices are set to preselected patterns. Then, all of a sudden, the predictable pattern changes. Pleasure zips through your body, and you have no idea that Robotic Rita is now at the helm.

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