Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

That lucky little Irish fuck is going to be running amuck in just a few weeks, and this year I’m going to catch him. I’ve been doing my research; see, I thought leprechauns stole from people to get those big ol’ pots of gold, but that isn’t true! They are humble little cobblers, like shoemakers! Though they can not resist the temptation of collecting more and more gold. They spend all their time either stitching soles or finding abandoned gold.

So if I catch me a leprechaun this St. Patricks day, I’ll not only make him grant my three wishes (They have to, it’s a thing), tell me the hidden location of his pot of gold but I’ll also lock that little man up and make him cobble me up some of the hottest new heels for my delicious feet.
Continue reading “Preparing My Leprechaun Trap”

Family Traditions

Kinky Krysta 844-332-2369 Ext.410

Some people really look forward to the holiday season because of their family traditions. Mine are a little, unusual and I wouldn’t say I look forward to them. See, every Thanksgiving and Christmas, my whole family gets together, and we, of course, enjoy a big meal, but after that, they enjoy me.

My Mommy takes me upstairs while everyone enjoys pies and puddings. She bathes me carefully, brushing my hair and scrubbing every inch of my body until I’m perfectly presentable. Next, she dresses me up in her lingerie, it’s a little silly since I’m so small, and it doesn’t fit me correctly, but she says that’s what they like.

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Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Filling out Christmas cards to my friends and family is a labor of love. Every year, I pick out beautiful cards covered in glitter with uplifting season’s greetings on them and dutifully write out personal well-wishes to whomever the card is for. The only downside to this is how long the process can be! Jason tends to get very impatient during this time because he always craves Mommy’s attention.

When I’m getting ready to prepare the cards, I spread them out on my bed with all of the matching envelopes and stamps. Then, with my favorite pen in hand, I get to work. It’s easy to lose track of time when I get into the zone. Almost every year, Jason stands by the bed as I’m writing them out, and the only way to keep both him entertained and get my work done is to give him an ignore handjob.

Continue reading “Ignore Handjob While Mommy Makes Out Christmas Cards”

Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

I don’t like to tell this story, but I think if I do, it may save just one little girl or boy from going through what I did. So, I’m going to be brave and tell you about how the grinch stole my virginity. Just like every Christmas eve before, my mom told me to go to bed early so that Santa could come. She would always say, “He knows when you are sleeping, and he won’t bring you any gifts if you are awake.” I didn’t understand why Santa had to be so sneaky or why he didn’t want to be seen, but I tried to go to sleep as she said.

Only I wasn’t tired. I never go to bed early, plus I was so excited about my possible presents that it was nearly painful to close my eyes and lie still, but I tried! I squeezed my pillow tight and closed my eyes, willing the night to pass quickly!

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Naked Alexus stands under the Mistletoe

Shemale Alexus 1844-332-2639 ext 349

Every year doorways are decorated with mistletoe, and people kiss as they pass under it. Some people even use this tradition as a way to break the ice and earn their very first kiss with a special someone, but why? Have you, like me, wondered why we kiss under some spring of leaves? It’s strange, to say the least. I had to look into it!

There are many fambles, as with all ancient traditions, that vary with each culture. The most beautiful one is that a Norse Goddess lost her son to an arrow made of mistletoe. After his passing, she vowed that mistletoe would kiss anyone who passed beneath it so long as it was never used to hurt anyone ever again.

Continue reading “Kiss Me Under The Mistletoe”