You wearing diapers is sexy.  I know you resist it because you think I won’t see you as a man.  But you don’t have to do that.  I love that wearing diapers makes you hard and dripping.  Let me put them on you, and we can enjoy some role-playing together.  There’s something about putting you in a big pamper that makes me feel sexy and maternal, especially when you ask to call me Mommy while you’re in that adorable crinkly diaper.  I love the little gleam in your eye when I go into dirty Mommy mode and watch the front of your diaper start to bulge and thicken.

Continue reading “Wearing Diapers is Sexy”

I agreed to keep an eye on Mr. Stinky Pampers the other day.  Some of my girlfriends were coming over for a gab session.  He was sitting on the floor playing with his toys like a good boy.  As we talked a pungent odor suddenly assailed my nose.  I watched as my other friends wrinkled their noses and tried to be nice and not say anything about the noxious scent that began to surround us.  My Mr. Stinky side-eyed me from his place on the floor.  I knew he thought about making a run for it when he slowly stood up.  But I snagged him around his waist and pulled him up into my arms.  I draped him over my arm and gave a big sniff to confirm him as the source of the awful smell.

Continue reading “Mr. Stinky Pampers Meets Zoey’s Friends”

Sweet Lovin’ Kayla 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

I met this guy at the pool. He was tall and handsome, with the darkest brown eyes. So dreamy. I loved how confident and self-assured he was. Every time I was around him, I just felt this insane connection. It wasn’t long before he asked me out.

He invited me to lunch in a very no-pressure situation, which made me like him even more. We talked about so many things during lunch, and I began to get the feeling that he was missing some nurturing in his life. This man was screaming out for a lovin’ Mommy, and he didn’t even know it!

Continue reading “Time To Put Your Diaper On Phonesex”

Call Katie: 1-844-332-2639 ext 356

Did you just say your need to use the bathroom? Honey, the only time you should be in the bathroom is when I am giving you your little bubble bath at the end of the day. A little boy like you has no need for a toilet. Just use your diaper. If you make a mess, which I expect you will, Babysitter Katie will take care of it for you.

Oh, I see your face scrunching up. It is turning a bit red… is someone finally going number two like the good boy I expect you to be? Excellent, let me rub your back and hold you in my arms as you do. Are you all finished? Yay! Then here comes the fun part!

Continue reading “Babysitter Katie Will Take Care of It Phonesex”

Regression Phone Sex Baby!

Gianna 844-332-2639 ext 355

You want to return to simpler times. Being young and carefree sounds nicer than your current reality. You’re always stressed out and wanting more out of life. I bet you constantly wonder why things can’t be as simple as they used to be. You crave regression and want me to convince you to give everything up and just be an adult baby forever. 

Continue reading “Regression Phone Sex Baby!”

Sweet Sounds Harmony ~ 1-844-332-2639 ext 386

It had been a few months since I had started this new chapter in my life with my mother. It started from a secret that I thought I was hiding from her, but she had known all along. I had developed a pantyhose fetish early in life and thought I was smart enough to hide it from her. But I’ve since learned that mother always knows best. She set a series of events in motion that would change our relationship forever.

No longer was I just her son, but now I was her lover and intimate partner that was able to share so many new things with her. In a way, I was her student. And she was going to teach me everything I needed to know to please a woman. I wanted nothing more than to please her and make her happy. She became the only woman I wanted and I was the only man she wanted.

Continue reading “Davey & Harmonys’ Pantyhose Adventures Phone Sex”

Sweet Sounds Harmony ~ 1-844-332-2639 ext 386

Continued…. I couldn’t help but notice there was actually a small wet spot on the gusset of her pantyhose. I imagined that it was me that had done that to her, but knew it was probably just something she was dreaming about. My hand then slowly made its way up her leg, inching closer and closer to her special spot. I only placed my hand there for a second, but it felt like I got electrocuted. I looked at her breast, which was completely visible, and I began to have this overwhelming urge to suck on it. Very quietly,

I knelt down in front of her and slowly put my mouth on it. I wanted to stay there forever but knew the longer I stayed, the greater the chance would be for her to wake up and find me doing this to her. So I got up and began to walk away, and that’s when my heart stopped. “Where do you think you’re going, mister?” I was frozen solid.

Continue reading “Davey & Mommy’s Pantyhose ~ Part 5”