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There is nothin to dooooooooo! I am gettin so bored just sittin around the farm all do. I have got to get out and do somethin or I am goin to go stir crazy. The next town over has a nice big college. I hear they get a little rowdy on the weekend. So I am goin to go and see what kind of trouble I can get myself into.

Just to see what was goin down this weekend I went to the campus and paid a visit. Wasn’t long before I had all the boy’s attention in the quad. They knew I was new around the campus and they pounced on me like any predator would. So what was a little ol country girl to do in the big city at a big college campus? Play dumb of course.

Continue reading “a little rowdy phonesex”

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Welcome to whose line is it anyway GAME NIGHT!!!!! Where everything is made up and the points don’t matter! Wait wait wait yes the points actually DO matter. The more points you get the better off you are! There is actually a prize in this game. The winner for my sexy game night is going to get to walk away with a FREE 15-minute golden ticket that you get to us with ANY sexy chick that’s at the game!

So, if there is a lady you want to play for you better send her a message and ask her to come to the game so when you WIN you can use your FREE time on her! If you have never seen the T.V show whose line is it anyway let me educate you. I will give you a topic ie: Things you can say to your boss but not your wife!

Continue reading “Whose Line Is It Anyway GAME NIGHT phonesex”

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I like to use my magic to do a thing or two for myself sometimes. I’ve always wondered what it might be like to be a therapist. With my skills and magic, I bet I would be pretty good at it. I never was much for school though. But with magic, I can convince a small therapist office I work there and try it out for a while. My first patients end up being an extremely dysfunctional family.

They came in arguing. Mom is yelling at their son, their daughter is yelling at her father. The father is yelling at the mother. I had to snap my fingers and make the shut the hell up and go on silent for a second so I could figure out what the hell was going on. I used a compel spell blown in all their faces to get them to comply and tell me one at a time what the actual issue was.

Continue reading “~ use my magic phonesex~”

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I am one of those bitches that love Halloween. And yes I do go over board with it when October rolls around. I can’t just have 31 days of spook though. Nope can’t do it. I like to add fear into things all year round. And lucky him my hubby is most of the time my unwilling and sometimes will victim. He wants very unwilling this time. It’s not often I actually get him to faint!

Liquid nitration you’ve seen this stuff right? You pour it on to something and it instantly freezes. You might have seen this may be on YouTube or something. When some jock dick decides to freeze a bunch of stuff and then smash it with a hammer! I know for a fact my old man has seen these. So, I went out and bought myself some.

Continue reading “To Add Fear Phonesex”

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Happy Cock Christmas aka Valentine’s day! You boys do not clearly understand the power of this day. Play your cards right and you can get your woman or any woman really to do anything you want. And no I don’t mean with magical means. Just because I’m a witch doesn’t mean I don’t like manipulation and cunning acts just as much.

I enjoy knowing I can use my body, words, and actions no magic needed to get people to do anything I want them to. This can be done for you too! Just know that me telling you this information is highly classified bitch to bitch information. You can not tell other women I’ve told you this! If you do I will make sure you pay for it.

Continue reading “~ Cock Christmas aka Valentine’s day phonesex~”

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On these colder weathered day it does make me long for the warmth of the sun and summer fun. As a naughty French Domme Mistress, my idea of fun and yours is most likely not the same kind of fun. Let me give you an example. Last summer at the local public pool. Normally this would not be a place I would go. Though I did make an exception.

It was extremely hot, and I needed some time to cool off. Of course, dressing in something naughty and watching the eyes of both men and women as I walk around the edge of the pool is also a lovely activity I do like to indulge in from time to time. A bit of community service I provide to those who get the chance to gaze upon my glorious body.

Continue reading “Warmth of the sun phonesex”

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I have a confession to make. As much as I love being in my tight jeans and boots. Gettin down and dirty on the farm. There is somethin else that really really makes me happy. When I get the chance to dress up a little with a nice pair of pantyhose. What goes on to match these hose? Nothin. Because I’m not goin anywhere.

No one is goin to be comin over to my house either. I am puttin these on for me to enjoy all on my own. Mmmm I just love the way they feel when I put them on. I prepare before I slid into them though. Makin sure I have shaved my legs to baby smooth soft. Puttin lotion on them to make them even that much smoother.

Continue reading “my tight jeans PHONESEX”

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Do you want to Be My Cupid for an evening? Take me to the heavens and ride the waves of pleasure? Mmm tie me up and fuck me like the cute little deity Cupid was? It’s not often I will let you have your way with me, so you had better enjoy it while it lasts!

Are you curious little wanna be Cupid? Do you want to know more of how Tuesday’s (02/08/2021) game night is going to go? Keep reading baby, and you will have all the details! And you’ll even have a leg up for being a good boy and reading this blog. Unlike those losers! Continue reading “Be My Cupid Game Phonesex”

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A full-time cock cage. That’s what my cucky sports 24/7 unless I want him out of it for some reason. And that happens far and few between. So mostly he has to be locked up. Mainly because he has no control of himself. And I have a life I can’t watch what he is doing with his dick all the time. So having him locked up is just the best way to go about things. For his punishments, I sometimes have to take him out of the cage.

I sear he gets in trouble just because he knows his punishment is going to get him out of his cage for a little bit. So for him, the ends justify the means. I have something new that’s going to put a stop to that! I have a car battery and some wires. His cock cage is metal after all. I refuse to buy cheap toys and sex cages. I do have my standards after all.

Continue reading “Full-Time Cock Cage Phonesex”

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I love to make a spell jar. Spell jars can be used for so many things. This new creation of mine makes me think I might have a problem. BWAHAHAHA this spell jar is a pleasure jar. It’s so perfectly made for a cock to fit right inside. You wouldn’t that that a pleasure jar would be a problem. You stick your cock into this amazing jar. One that you can not see into and have no idea what’s in it.

Once you get past that small amount of fear; the fear of sticking what most men think of as their prized position into this random jar that a random witch told you would give you the ultimate pleasure, you’re in the clear. The jar does deliver. It gives you the best pleasure you have ever felt in your entire life.

Continue reading “~ a spell jar phonesex~”