Giantess fetish phonesex

Zia 1-844-33CANDY ext 402

You desire to be 3 inches tall and be carried around in my giant hand, don’t you? It’s your fetish, your giantess fetish. I find it an incredibly fun and incredibly fascinating fetish to explore. I would love for us to play around with it together. For today, I am your giantess.

Imagine you are 3 inches tall and I’m my normal size of 5’4. You’re going to spend the day with me just doing my normal activities. I think we’ll start with my waking up in the morning and I stick you between my huge tits while I go to make some coffee.

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Giantess Torrence
Giantess Torrence xoX TorrenceXox (844-332-2639) ext 415

I hear a small knock on my door, and I take only three steps to reach it. Swinging the big door open I look to see who it is. It’s my little babe standing at only about 7 inches tall. “Hi giantess Torrence” you greet me. Your are the cutest, smallest little thing that I’ve seen all day. I pick you up in my big  hand and bring you inside. You’re so tiny I have to make sure not to crush you with these hands of mine. I catch you staring down at my wedding rings, so completely amazed. So I set you down on the counter, and take them off handing them to you.  Letting you clean them because you’re my little pet and I know that you enjoy the chores that I give you. 

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