VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

Perverted and pathetic is essentially what you are. Of course you try to keep up appearances and pretend to be a normal guy. But your little addiction has begun has become a real problem for you. Not to mention the fact that you have that small penis issue. Your marriage is also in a perpetual rut. This was supposed to be just a bit of harmless fun. You thought phone sex would be a mere distraction and that it would be good for you. Wrong, twerp. The fact is, this has became something so much more, hasn’t it? It really is unfortunate that you lack even an ounce of self-discipline or willpower. The very idea of a pervert like you is repulsive. But that doesn’t stop you from harassing unsuspecting women with your particular brand of nonsense. 

Continue reading “Perverted and Pathetic”

WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

The whore next door – that’s what I overheard your wife calling me. I could hear the jealousy dripping off of her tongue as she spewed her hatred toward me. It made me actually giggle. It also gave me an idea and you get to benefit from it. You may finally get lucky. This is your chance to finally have some good luck in your otherwise pathetic life. Let’s face it, you have a history of bad luck and even worse choices. Just look at your wife. Even if she does decide to give you that less than average pussy it’s not like she’s doing you any favors. But, there is another option for you. Why not spend your time and money on a hot, blonde like me instead? Let me show you exactly what the whore next door can really do.

Continue reading “The Whore Next Door”

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

Do you even realize how important having a powerful pussy is? I can get whatever I want with mine. For example, I got super horny the other night and I was home alone, so I ordered a pizza. No, I didn’t do it because I was hungry and craving pizza. I needed dick and figured there was nothing better than having it delivered right to my door.

I’d seen the pizza delivery boy at the neighbor’s house earlier in the night and I knew he was super cute. I also knew that there was no way he’d turn me down when I propositioned him. Offering him sex in lieu of a tip would be irresistible to him. See, that’s what a powerful pussy can do. It gets you dick anytime & anywhere you want it.

Continue reading “My Powerful Pussy Gets Me What I want”

MORGAN 1-844-332-2639 ext 236

Sexy spoiled brat, yes, I am that and so much more. And it’s as it should be. That’s right, yours truly is the naughtiest, wildest, and craziest, little bitch you have ever encountered. It’s true, I’ve been fucking men up for as long as I can remember. I am built for this. And you are built to eat sandwiches and be a fat fuck.

I’ve told more than one motherfucker to go fuck himself. Believe it or not, I’ve also told several wives they can get over themselves too. It’s not my fault that I’m hot and they are not.

Continue reading “Sexy Spoiled Brat”

ALYSSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 202

Your GFE For The Ultimate Pleasure – Think of the most incredible girlfriend experience and add an exotic element with some financial domination and that’s me. I am your go to girl for this and can be your complete fantasy. Whether it is a foot fetish or Asian Massage fantasy or perhaps an Asian Princess/Financial Domination, I always deliver.

Continue reading “Asian GFE For The Ultimate Pleasure”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

Spending Daddy’s Money – I’m your new accountant. I am quite adept at managing money. Most people think that being a Sugar Baby must be so easy. The fact is, it requires a lot of finesse and skill. Am I entitled? Of course I am because I deserve all of the things and more. What else would you expect? I always get everything i want. And I do mean everything. Does that mean that I will spend Daddy’s money? Yes, I will.

Continue reading “Spending Daddy’s Money”

VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

The Key Mistress – You really need to face that fact that your perverted addictions have become a serious problem. It started out so innocently enough. Then it progressed and has taken complete control over your life. You reached out to me for a variety of reasons. Your marriage was in a perpetual rut. This was supposed to be just a bit of harmless fun. You thought a distraction would be good for you. You were so fucking wrong.

The fact is, this has became something so much more, hasn’t it? It really is unfortunate that you lack even an ounce of self-discipline or willpower. The very idea of a pervert like you is just deplorable to most people. But that doesn’t stop you from harassing unsuspecting women with your nonsense. I am making it my mission to cockblock you at every turn. This is why should be locked up and the key put away for safekeeping. 

Continue reading “The Key Mistress – Locked Away”

MORGAN 1-844-332-2639 ext 236

Hey gooner! I see you over there jerking your pathetic dick. You really are so obsessed aren’t you? Seriously, you really seem to be really wound up tight, like really sprung. Of course, who could really blame you?  That’s right, yours truly is the baddest, wildest, and craziest, little bitch you will meet. It’s true, I’ve been fucking men up for as long as I can remember. It only makes sense that I make you weak in the knees. So, keep edging yourself to my pics.

Continue reading “Hey Gooner! I See You”

ALYSSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 202

Mukbang with Alyssa – Guess what? Today, I am holding a special event in the Phone Sex Candy Chatroom. I enjoy a good Mukbang but I don’t want to devour loads of regular food. I like penis shaped food or sometimes food shaped like a luscious pussy! So, I will be talking about favorite foods, recipes and showing some pics of sexy food!

You can imagine how I would devour that cock. Enjoying every inch of it like. You do have an active imagination. I just wonder how long you will last? Probably not long before I get my creamy treat. Yummy! More, please!

Continue reading “Mukbang With Alyssa – Food Porn Edition”

HONEY 1-844-332-2639, x 300

Dripping While You are Tripping – Calm down boy. You had to know this pussy does what it wants. No mortal man could ever hope to own this, especially you. This type of perfection is what you need and this is what I always deliver. Chances are you don’t have the necessary tools in your toolbox for this. This is that pussy that is so incredible that it takes over your life.

We both know how this story will end – With me getting everything and you left standing there with your dick in your hand. Black girls have the best pussy – Once you go black you will never go back. This is to be expected. Continue reading “Dripping While You Are Tripping”