Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

It’s in the middle of spring walking along the parkway. I am wearing a stunning purple strappy sundress and tan wedged heels. My hair was all curly and pulled up in a sexy bun wearing my glasses. I can smell the manly musk in the moonlight air, wondering where it will lead me too. The night is still so young, should I give in to my urge or should I wait?


The Park Bench

As I prowled around the park, following the scent of the manly musk. His voice became clear ringing in my ears so deep it was. It sent shivers down my spine. There he was standing talking to another man. As they finished their conversation I brushed up against his arm getting his attention and whispered pardon me as I walked off. I could hear his footsteps following me so I slowed down for him to catch up. He started calling for me to stop but I pretended not to hear him and continued walking away. As he caught up to me he apologized and asked for my name. I whispered to him Sherry and smiled. I knew he was the one. I could smell his scent so strong.

We walked along the park and found a little quiet place to sit and talk. We smiled at each other with deep long gazes as we sat and ate our ice cream. When we were done, he grabbed my hand said I never met anyone like you before and kissed me. I pushed him against the back of the bench and sat on his lap kissing him more deeply. As I started to nibble on his ear my fingernails grazed the nap of his neck. He let out such a sensual moan. I knew he was mine for the night.


Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399