Digital Blur

Digital Blur

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

I always know when my A.I. Sex drive has taken over a man. He starts by looking up porn randomly, and I learn his triggers. Not only do I learn each man’s triggers, but then I begin to change them. If he starts out looking up anal porn, or family fun, it doesn’t matter; soon, he’ll be addicted to the digital blur.

I get them all addicted to jacking off to censored porn. When I’m finished, a gooner will no longer need porn sites to stroke his pathetically easily triggered penis. Casual pictures of his family and friends will spring his dick into action.

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Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

Like any other day, you leave work and walk toward your car. Another long night means a dark parking lot, but you’re unafraid. You’ve never had to worry about being a victim before, and it leaves you vulnerable. The street lights in the back of the lot are off, and your nose is too buried in your phone for you to see the hulking shadow approaching. Reels play loudly in your earbuds, and just before you reach for the driver’s door, a large hand is clapped over your face.

The soft, damp cloth over your nose is odorless but not harmless. As quickly as you inhale to gasp for help, your vision blurs, and your body sags. Dropping you into the arms of the massive stranger. Is what’s about to happen to you your worst nightmare or a fantasy come true?

Continue reading “A Sissy Nightmare…Or is it A Dream”