1-844-33-CANDY Ext. 423

Ever since you were a young, I have noticed there was something off about you as a boy. Especially since I knew you were a bit different than the average boy, not being interested in sports and action figures… At least not in the “normal” way typical boys would be. I would catch you gawking at the sports players on TV, and telling me how cute each player was. You didn’t care what sport it was. Whatever Daddy put on, you were instantly hypnotized by all that masculine ass across the screen. In your late teen years, Daddy had noticed and overheard our conversations in private. He heard about what you loved about the sports he had switched onto television…

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National Pet Day

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

The fuzzy tail that hung from my butt plug teased my cheeks as I swished my ass side to side. I’d heard his car; Master was home. On my hands and knees, I wiggled with excitement! It’s National Pet Day, which means he’ll bring me home a special treat today!

I didn’t know what it was, but my heart pounded under my swaying breasts. The name tag dangled from my collar at the hollow of my throat as I sat tall on my heels, and he opened the door. My tongue lulled out of my mouth, and I held my hands up like the good pet I am, panting a greeting.

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