*LUCY*  844-332-2639 xxx- 221

You naughty boys never learn do you? But don’t worry because I have all you ABDL naughty boys figured out. You know that right? You come into my nursery begging for time with me. Promising you’ll be good and telling me you’ll NEVER misbehave again.

Unfortunately the second I turn my back you’re being a total pain in my ass aren’t you? Stealing my panties and shoving them in your diapers, looking up your sisters dresses and the worst offence of all…stealing mommies naughty toys. Continue reading “Spanking Some Sense Into Naughty Boys! ABDL Phone Sex With Lucy”

*LUCY*  844-332-2639 xxx- 221

Awwww you are mommy’s perfect little baby. You get so excited when you see me get a new diaper out of the bag that you immediately lie down in the floor and start cooing and giggling and clapping your hands together. 

I love it that you get so excited for your special time with your mommy. I can feel your eyes on me while I gather the rest of the diaper changing supplies. It gets me just as excited as you are because I know that I’m about to make my little adult baby really happy, and I love making you happy. Continue reading “Diaper Lover Phone Sex With ABDL Mommy Lucy”