Sweet Mommy's Boy Phonesex

*Allison* 844-33-CANDY ext 286

You’re a mommy’s boy. I can tell. You’re so sweet and caring. You care about Mommy so much and it shows! You need a loving Mommy to care for you. One that will tend to your little red booty after you’re spanked for being naughty. Mommy loves you even when you’re bad. I know you’ll end up being my very sweet boy in the end. You always do!

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Medical Grade Diaper Change Phone Sex!

844-332-2639 (Kayla ext 357 / Gianna ext 355 / Zoey ext 403)

My fellow daycare workers Kayla and Zoey helped me perform the most intense diaper change ever. His diapers are so messy that we consider him a medical-grade stinker. We have to all wear masks and latex gloves while we change him. It takes all three of us to perform this diaper change procedure!

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Spanking Naughty Adult Babies Phone Sex!

Gianna 844-332-2639 ext 355

Why do all the naughty babies flock to me?! The ones that refuse to take off their messy diaper and run away constantly. You naughty babies stink up the whole place! Enough is enough! It’s time for your spanking!

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