Busy men keep busy schedules. They have meetings and conferences. Busy men have to travel often and that kind of lifestyle can be exhausting. Always on the go can make it hard to find time to settle into a bedroom with the right woman.
But then, of course, he’d have to wine and dine her first. Possibly put on a brave face and prepare to deal with her string of questions and the constant need for him to be around. He’s too busy for that nonsense so instead of getting his needs met, he goes to bed far too late at night. He’ll toss and turn for a long while. The day’s activities reworking through his busy mind until finally, he catches a wink of sleep before getting back on the go.
Take a Tiny Second to Pencil Me In
That’s why a busy man needs a sweet lovin’ Kayla in his life. You pick the time, the play and I’ll give it to you any way you like it. We can be sensual or rough. Tender of fierce. Anything your mind can crave, I can provide. Just tell me what it is you need baby.
Jot my number down, send me an email. Take just a tiny second to pencil me in.
I promise it will be worth it.
Kayla Cumsalot
1844-33-CANDY ext 357