Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

I’ve decided I want a man to treat me like he treats his dick. Maybe that sounds funny but think about it. I want him to be thinking of me and touching me constantly. If he treated me like I was his dick, then he would let me make all of his decisions for him. I’d be entirely in charge, and he’d just follow me blindly because of what I desired.

I’d be the most essential thing in his life if he treated me like he does his dick.

Treat Me Like Your Dick


I want you to think about how you treat your cock. Aren’t you always giving in to his needs? Procrastinating on things you should be doing simply because he requires you to indulge him. Can you imagine if you adored me like you do your cock? Think of all the ways you’d worship me.

Each morning, I’d be beside you, depending to be petted, and you’d be unable to say no. Otherwise, I’d be an ache in your balls all day, so first thing in the morning, you’d feed my flames. Then we begin the day, and randomly you’d feel me causing a twinge. You wouldn’t consider it nagging only because I’m the most important thing in your existence; you would happily cater to my needs.

I love the idea of randomly, throughout the day, your hand would gently caress me or adjust my position as if you need to check if I’m still close by.

Think about it and call to tell me just how much I’d rule your world if you treated me like you treat your cock.


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357
