He Said Not To Wake Mommy

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

Last weekend, my mom and I visited my mom’s brothers. He lives in this little trailer that’s pretty uncomfortable, but it’s right on a pretty lake, which usually makes up for it. This trip was kind of different. As I said, his trailer is small, so we all had to pile up in my Uncle’s bed at bedtime.

I roll a lot, so Mom said I would best lie in the middle. Of course, that’s true so I didn’t think much of it as I nestled into the mattress and faced my mom’s back. I guess after the long drive, she was exhausted because she fell asleep really fast. I  knew it was best not to wake her with complaints of being uncomfortable being away from home so I tried to sleep too. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt my Uncle bump against my booty.

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