The local community center contacted me about helping with a fundraiser for a couple’s night out charity event. I quickly agreed especially after they explained that they were looking for adult relationship booths. The couples could pay for a ticket that would give them entrance into an event. They would enjoy a night of fine dining, fine wine, and ways to spice up their sex lives. All designed to deepen their relationship. I immediately set to work creating a naughty fun spanking booth for the event. All donations and proceeds from my booth would be give toward the charity fund to help struggling couples get the relationship advice and therapy they needed to be stronger together.
Tag: OTK
Howard Stern & Avery
Howard & Avery – 2
Special Treats
Wacker Wednesday
All Calls $2.00 per minute all Day!
All Calls $2.00 per minute all Day!
Two Girl Calls
$4.00 per minute Everyday!
$4.00 per minute Everyday!
(All dates and times are in EDT)
Wet Wednesdays
$2.00 per minute all day
$2.00 per minute all day
Thirsty Thursdays
20 min for the price of 15 min
20 min for the price of 15 min
Fuck Me Fridays
30 min for the price of 25 min
30 min for the price of 25 min
Slutty Saturday
30 min for the price of 25 min
30 min for the price of 25 min
Sunday Sex Sports
20 min for the price of 15 min
20 min for the price of 15 min
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