Naughty Naomi 844-332-2639 ext 216

Wrecking your home has become one of my favorite hobbies.  You’ve become addicted to me and all the nasty ways I fuck you.  But I’ve learned so much about you in the past few months of our affair.  I’ve discovered what a true coward and loser you really are cheating on your wife and family.  You don’t deserve them.  So, I’m going to do them and you a favor.  It amuses me that even when I’m done, you’ll still come crawling to me for attention.  I’ll give it to you because I want you to realize that you’re nothing but a pathetic gooner for me.

Continue reading “Naomi Wrecking Your Home Phone Sex”

Naked teen brunette hot homewrecker on couch with bare breasts

Avery  1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

I’m your next Hot Homewrecker, you just don’t know it yet. I know that you might not have come online today looking for a home wrecking phone sex slut, but hey, you found one anyway.

Are you the kind of guy who said he would never cheat on his wife or girlfriend? Well now that you’ve met me, that’s going to change and its going to change very quickly. You know you’re already intrigued and thinking about calling me just based on seeing how hot I am. But you know, once you call me and I get under your skin, you’re toast.

Continue reading “Let Me Be Your Hot Homewrecker! Kinky Fetish Phone Sex”

cock crazed cutie Rhianna

PRINCESS RHIANNA 1-844-332-2639 x 253

“That’s it,” I told him. He was going to town, making out with my pussy like a pro. “Oh fuck, daddy, that’s it! Get me there! GET ME THERE!” Some people may think my life alternates between shopping sprees, steamy sex and partying, and mostly, they’re right… *giggles*… but I also make sure to get in a healthy amount of relaxation thrown in there for good measure.

I was out lounging by the pool flaunting my perfect barely legal body in a brand new hot-pink string bikini, the warmth of the Summer sun kissing my body, my tan coming along nicely. And something about lying in the sun, nearly naked always gets me horny.

Continue reading “The Pool Hustler Homewrecker Phonesex”

Here you are again another day while your wife is gone talking to me. You are drooling over my perfectly toned young naked body. Fawning over another woman while she is gone is so much fun. Cheating on her is so exciting, isn’t it? You get pleasure out of jerking off to other sexier, hotter and younger women than your wife.

Continue reading “What Would Your Wife Think Phone Sex With Chelsea”

RHIANNA 1-844-332-2639 x 253

Look at me. And now look at that hag of a wife of yours. Compare and contrast, lover. I’m young and gorgeous. She is old and ….EW…Jesus fucking Christ, she has really let herself go! Does she ever workout other than by shoveling endless amounts of food into her fat greedy mouth?? And it isn’t even just the way she looks, though that in itself points to the fact that she takes you for granted. There she goes, galumphing around the house in sweats, no sexy lingerie. Nag, nag, nag. And then the bitch gives you the cold shoulder whenever you want to fuck. That’s why your married cock needs some hot homewrecker phonesex!

So, let me tell you how we are gonna play this one. First, you’ll call me for some hot homewrecker phonesex. Then you will tell me your bitch wife’s name. After that, I want you to tell me, in detail, about how gross and annoying she is.  And then we’ll take it from there….

Continue reading “Hot Homewrecker Phone Sex”

Avery  1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

You know, I really don’t understand why your wife has a problem with me being a home wrecking slut. I mean, honestly – if she put out, then you wouldn’t even be calling me and spoiling me with orgasms and gifts. And for the record, I never mind being called a home wrecker because I’m just doing what she should be doing for you. And since she doesn’t, I’m more than willing to take her place. As you know, I’m a really good phone fuck. And I appreciate you saying I’m amazing to just talk to also. It’s good to have someone like you that appreciates all of the gifts I have to offer.

Continue reading “Give Me All The Hot Husbands. Homewrecking Phone Sex With Avery”