Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

There was a surprise baby shower at work today for Jenelle. Seeing all of those sweet little clothes and the tiny toys got me all hot and bothered. We played diaper-changing games, and it just reminded me how much I loved that newborn stage—the snuggles and smells. Mama was getting baby fever, BAD!

I left work early and went right to the baby store. Unfortunately, this fever only had one cure! I needed to have my baby back!

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Age regression

Age regression
Age regression xoX TorrenceXox (844-332-2639) ext 415

It’s finally the weekend and I’m in need of a drink. So I find my way to a local bar. A whole bunch of hotties, but I spot this one handsome man in the corner, from the looks of it he looks about twice my age. Now I don’t have a problem with older men, but my only issue is that I often find that they can’t keep up with my fine young ass. So I have a little something special in my bag to put him right where I want him. Let’s see if the trick up my sleeve really works on this fella. I ask the bartender to serve me  two of the same drink she’s serving him. She makes my drinks pronto, and I take out my special age regression ingredient and drop it right into one of the glasses.

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