1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

Yea times are tough even for a sexy as fuck hot ass teen like me. Everyone is just stayin in and not doin a whole lot. So my pool of guys to fuck is goin down the drain. I guess it’s time for me to get online and find me a tender fuck. Believe it or not, I have actually never done the whole tender fuck thing.

I never had to. I have always had men around to fuck so never been an issue for me. Though now that I have a tender and I’m lookin around at all the hot dick and all the hot options; I’m actually a bit ticked off that I haven’t done this before. It’s just a mass of huge cocks ready to spread this tiny teen open.

Sexy as fuck delivered right to my door


I want me a big cock! This is like build a fuck workshop right here! Maybe after this first time I will set up a 3 or 4 guy at one time fuck. Pickin this guy for his cock. This guy for his braggin on his tongue game. Maybe this one for his ass play talk and of course I will have to throw in a freak!

Some wild card to bring a little spice into the mix. This guy I picked for the first one though his cock is massive! 9 inches isn’t all that big but the girth! Sweet baby corn this boy is THICK! I know how good it’s goin to feel slidin into my pussy though. It’s been a while since I had such a thick boy inside my naughty teen puss puss.

I think it’s been so long that he is goin to stretch me out so far I might not be able to walk for a while. It’s goin to hurt so good! Sexy as fuck I can’t wait!

1-844-332-2639 Ext 204
