When Mommy put you in those Pampers, you thought only our relationship had changed.  I explained that you weren’t the man you were pretending to be and that you just couldn’t meet my needs anymore.  So, our relationship changed from husband and wife to mother and baby. The accidents and bed wetting combined with the tiny penis means that you’ll be wearing Pampers daily from now on.  I loved the look on your face when I showed you your new nursery where you’ll be sleeping from now on at night.  It was Daddy that was the biggest surprise for you, though, wasn’t it?

Pink Pampers

Tonight, I got you ready for bed while Daddy went out on a special errand.  I told you about a special surprise that Daddy had picked out just for you.  So, Mommy will give you your bath and by the time we’re done Daddy will be back home.  You hear him walking into your nursery just as I let the water out and wrap you up in a big warm comfy towel.  When I help you into the nursery and up onto the changing table, Daddy shows  you his first surprise.  He got you a brand new box of pink diapers.  They match the blush on your cheeks when you see them.  Daddy tells you that his is what he wants you to wear and you don’t have any choice in the matter.

He puts the new pink Pampers on you.  Then Mommy pulls out your second present.  The Magic Wand Mommy would have to use every night when she let you pretend to be a man.  Mommy doesn’t need it any more since Daddy and his big cock are in the picture now.  Are you ready to make cummies in your Pamper for us little boy?  That’s the only way you’re making cummies from now on.

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403
