Avery  1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

Hey there, my horny math nerd! As you know Thursday, March 14th is Pi day. How ware you going to celebrate? I have a HOT idea. Why not take your index finger and make gentle circles around the circumference of my clit? Might you have trouble finding it? No worries. I’m sure the tip of your tongue can find it. And Ill help! Youll get me in the mood to celebrate Pi day too while you have fun with my pie 😉 In fact, my excitement will grow geometrically! And then I can think of a few ways to excite you in return. From where I’m sitting, it looks like you measure more than 3.14159265359 inches and you know how much I love big boys…  

Avery xo
1-844-332-2639 ext. 228


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