MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

It’s getting hot down here in The Dirty South. That means less clothes and more hot sex. I love the hot summer nights and going skinny dipping. Feeling that cool water on my naked body is invigorating and really gets me in the mood to fuck. This should be the perfect time for a man to score hot pussy. You however, are the exception. Nothing has really changed for you.

Other Guys Are Getting Pussy But None For You

How do you like to spend your summer evenings? Sure, you fantasy is to spend a vacation with someone hot and young like me. That’s laughable. Do you really think that someone like me would waste her summer on you? Middle aged, out of shape Dad bod? Mediocre, pathetic cock? WTF, dude, you are so fucking delusional. Seriously, I would be embarrassed to be seen in public with you. You should just stay home and jerk off to my pics. It’s not like your pudgy body is beach worthy.

You want a hot piece of barely legal ass unfortunately you will be left wanting… It’s definitely a cruel summer for you.

MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236