Men never seem to notice when a girl does something with her hair. A new cut, a fresh style, a little color change. Most often, they never mention how new hairdo looks on the lady in their life. So either they don’t notice it or they are too stupid to speak out loud and tell us just how the change makes them feel.
HOWEVER, y’all are so different. I changed my “profile” picture in chat yesterday and you would have thought I cut off my left tit!
It’s Just Hair
Some of you boys thought the change softened me. That it makes me look more innocent. *Smirks with a head shake* Other boys thought the color made me look like more of a brat. I can’t say they are wrong. Tehehe.
And then there were the boys who noticed but didn’t feel one way or the other about it and you lot, you are the sneakiest kind of boy I think. I’m watching you. And while I’m watching, I’ll uncover what it is that will make you jump up and down like the others. I’ll discover what kind of change will make you ache to run your fingers through my new hair.
Above all, I’m still Kayla Cumsalot. Still a fucking princess and still willing to control your wallet. Wanna play with the redheaded Kayla to test her out? I’m just a call away.
Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357