Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

Okay, since you loved me breaking down those Canadian stereotypes, I’ll break down a few more. Let Jemma tell you all aboot Canada!

I just need to clarify one thing before I begin. I refuse to own the fact I say “aboot”. I don’t believe you. I will own the fact that I said Eh, but I refuse to believe I said aboot! Yeah, I’m looking at you, Daddy.

All Canadians Speak French 

False. Most Canadians do not speak both languages. Canada does indeed have two official languages, French and English. When I was in the professional world, I used to lie on my resume and claim I spoke French. In my defence, I was forced and did take it for 10 years. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t learn a single thing.

Jemma’s Aboot Canada

Canadians are Afraid of the Dark 

Honestly, don’t know where this one came from, but I blame the TV show, HIMYM. I used to sleep with this guy who needed a night light and it was the fucking worst. At least your girl Jemma can say she isn’t afraid of the dark.

Canadians Smoke a Ton of Weed

Yup. There is a dispensary about every 100 meters where I live.

You Love Tim Horton’s 

I’ve spent a lot of my young working life working at Tim Horton’s. The best thing about Tim Horton’s, is not being their employee.

Polar Bears Roam the Land 

Wishful thinking, that’d be fucking lit.

You Love Poutine

Yeah, and you probably don’t make it properly. It isn’t just any random cheese you find, it’s cheese CURDS. Know the difference or don’t tell me you’re making me a poutine.

Canadian’s are Polite 

Umm, depends on how bad of a day you caught me on. I will apologize afterwards though, I’m sorry. 

You Have the Worst Winters 

When I was in elementary school. The bell rang at 8:45 am, and that’s when they opened the school doors. However, students were expected to be waiting outside by 8:30 am. The teachers would only allow you into the school early if it was colder than minus thirty with the wind chill. In other words, minus twenty-two Fahrenheit. My eyes used to legit freeze closed. The worst is when your driver’s window is frozen shut in the Tim Horton’s drive through though.

XXXO, Jemma

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

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