Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208
“It’s cookie o’clock! ” the little Girl Scouts yelled as they bounced from foot to foot outside the supercenter’s front doors. Today’s the last day to sink your teeth into some Girl Scout cookies!” another cheered. Her friend bumped her with her elbow and added, “At least until next year.” They burst into a fit of giggles while waving thin mint boxes at customers coming and going.
A dark thought tingled in the back of my mind. Maybe it was the last day for most people to taste such a delicious treat, but I could make this a profitable opportunity for myself. Desperate girls make stupid girls.
Girl Scout Cookies
I stepped up to their table, noting no adult accompanying them and chewed my lower lip. “Is this all you have left?” There were tons of boxes of cookies. It seemed as if the girls weren’t having much luck this season.
The blinked at each other and their leader tucked a stray bit of brown hair behind her ear. She cleared her throat and said, “Ah, no actually we have more at Sara’s house.” She looked over at the thin blonde who nodded. I could feel their anxiety pulsing off of them. They wanted to make a sale so badly after being snubbed all day.
“I’m having this like massive party,” I lied, waving my hand over the cookie display. “I’d need like all of this and probably fifty more boxes.” Their eyes widened and one of them started bouncing on her toes. The leader, who was a bit taller than the other two, gawked for a second, then snapped her mouth closed.
“We can get you however many you need. It would really help us.” She looked down at her fingers and sucked her teeth. “The other troops are really out selling us.”
“Good.” I held up my keys and tipped my head back toward the parking lot. “I’ll get my car, we can load these up and I’ll take you guys over to Sara’s for the rest of my cookies?” I expected at least one of them to say no. To suggest to the others that it wasn’t safe to get into a stranger’s car. I mean, they ARE girl scouts. They should be resourceful and all that, but they just lost their minds in happy cheering and agreed.
To Be continued on TLC tomorrow.
Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208