Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Mother’s come in all shapes and sizes. Some are sweet and some are wicked. This Giant Mother is seven feet tall and knows how to make even the biggest man be her baby. Are you feeling overwhelmed and insecure about your day to day performances as a man? Sure you are, you don’t have to keep hiding.

Crawl over to your Giant Mother Felicity and find yourself lost in the world of days long gone.

Giant Mother


Lay your sweet head against my huge boobs and inhale the warm scents of vanilla. A Mother knows how to make a man feel like a boy. If you are naughty, you’ll find yourself in time out. Probably while wearing a diaper with a goofy pacifier sticking out of your mouth.

And you are right. That will make you look ridiculous. But I don’t care. What Mother says goes.

At seven feet tall, imagine how good my toned, tan legs look from where you sit on the floor. Don’t you wanna tug on Mother’s skirt and try to climb me like a tree? Come on big boy. Show Mother how badly you want her attention.


Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270