Goddess Lyric ===> 1-844-332-2639 ext 247
You claim to be a paypiggy or a human ATM bitch? Are you secretly fantasizing to fuck me with your fat wallet? Of course, you are and I’m worth every penny. You love getting me off with your credit card because this gets you off too. I dare you to stop right there and put your money where your dirty little mouth is, and call me so that you can fuck me with your wallet 😉
First of all, I want access to ALL your credit cards. That’s right, all of them. I want to be able to shop online for sexy lingerie, panties, purses, sexy shoes, makeup and anything my heart desires.
I don’t want you to tell me that I cannot have something or that I cannot max out your credit cards, because you know that I will.
You don’t get to tell me how to handle myself. If you try to disobey Goddess Lyric, I will tell your significant other about you calling me all the time, and I will show her evidence of our chats. She will most likely leave your pathetic ass. But I know how badly you crave to be ruined and destroyed.
Are you already wet with precum while reading this??? LOL, pathetic. You better be ready to hand over your credit card info now or purchase a few items off my wishlist. I am positive that you don’t want me to tell her about our little secret. Do you?
I demand to be pleasured and spoiled and I will not take “no” for an answer. So get on your knees and hand over that card and I want you to start licking my sweet dripping cunt. That’s right bitch, me taking your money and fucking your wallet does make my pussy wet.
Goddess Lyric ===> 1-844-332-2639 ext 247