
Do you have those days, too? When you leave the house looking fly as fuck and the world seems sunny and divine. Everyone just seems enamored with you and everything easily comes your way. Those days are the best, right? But then there are the opposite days!

The days where your hair just looks greasy and your clothes refuse to fit like they did when you tried them on in the store. The type of days where you drop everything you pick up and everyone seems to hate you. Those are the worst and on those days I just want to let my hair down and say fuck you universe.

Let My Hair Down


Just how do I let my hair down, you are wondering. Let me paint you a picture of how arriving home would look like for me on my worst days. I park too close to the curb, okay, yeah. On the curb. Slamming the car door which probably catches on my sweater and snatches a hole in it.

Cursing loud enough to scare the neighbor’s feline is next and then I’d stomp into the house and rip the ponytail out of my hair. Stripping out of my clothing as I make my way toward the kitchen. Inside the fridge is a box of mixed drinks just waiting to be devoured.

Drink in hand, I flop back on the couch and pull up my favorite porn site on my phone. Dipping my hand between my legs to find my stress-filled pussy, I flick my fingers quickly over my clit. Determined to spill my frustrations through orgasm after orgasm!

Have you had a rough day? Do you need someone to masturbate with to get rid of all those feelings? I’m right here!


xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208