Confession time. Tell the truth. You aren’t really a man, are you? Sure you look the part. You’re tall and handsome, you have a high paying job and you are well respected in your community but I can see it. That bulge in your pants. I’m not talking about a hard-on either, this lumps in the back.
You’re wearing a diaper, aren’t you?
Confession Time
It’s way more noticeable than you think. That heavy bulk around your hips. Everyone can see. Each person you greet during the day knows. You are wearing a diaper.
If I dared to brush against you, to rub my hand over your crotch, I’d find a crinkly diaper. Wouldn’t I? The noise would be deafening to your ears. Is it wet? I bet it is. When I squeeze between your legs, that squishy warmness will surround your baby balls like a hug. That’s when you’ll begin to whimper like the diaper bitch you are.
Say it. Let me hear the words fall from your precious little lips. “I’m a diapered bitch.”
Good boy. Call me when you need a change.
Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270