1-844-332-2639 EXT 224
My poor harem of men have been so forgotten here lately. I’ve just been so busy with everything I’ve had going on that I really haven’t given them the attention they really needed from me. That’s not fair to them. Once you become a part of my harem it isn’t like being in an open relationship with me. You have a need to be with me a longing that only seeing me will fix.
It’s like a constantly dripping faucet in the back of your mind that makes you think about me all the time. If a harem man is not shown enough attention he can literally lose his mind. My friend had a harem boy that she actually just completely forgot about. He robbed a bank just to try and get her attention. So, I really don’t want that to happen so I have set up a date night for me and my harem of boys.