XXX Collette XXX 1-844-332-2639 ext 383

Let’s admit it, as soon as you saw the title of this blog, you immediately thought “Yes, I can’t wait to play with Collette and fuck her tight little asshole.”  WRONG.  I find it quite amusing to know that you sneak around no matter where you are, shoving things up your tight little ass.  So let’s find some toys.  If you can’t find any toys, I will put you to work and make you find some random items.  If you are still resisting and kicking and screaming, I will simply take my hand and shove it deep inside your ass.

Haha, you didn’t think I would. You obviously don’t know me well, because bluffing is for for the weak.  That’s right, you may bluff, you may twist and blow things outta proportion, but I don’t bluff.  If I ever do, you won’t even notice it.  Are you getting all riled up?  

Are you out-of-your-mind excited?

Good, because you and I will have lots of fun shoving things up that tight ass of yours.  Question remains…are you man enough to fall under my spell and do exactly what I tell you to do?  Let’s see put you back in your place, you little bitch.  

XXX  Collette XXX  1-844-332-2639   ext 383