1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

Being called into the boss’s office is always nerve-racking. Walking in there the whole time running through your head the things you have done in the last little bit. Trying to figure out what it is you did so that you could maybe defend yourself and not lose your job.

Well, that’s what I was doing at least when my boss called me into her office. I was confused by her actions in general. She greeted me back from vacation just as normal as could be. Like we hadn’t had some hot lesbian action the stock room right before I left.

the boss’s office forced me to my knees


Like she hadn’t forced me to my knees and made me tongue her panties while she rode my face as I reached down and rubbed my own clit. Man, that was hot. I was expecting that to be how she welcomed me back home, but she didn’t.

Walking in and shutting the door she looked at me “Do you know why I called you in here?’’ Shaking my head and looked down waiting for the hammer to drop. I didn’t even notice that she had gotten up from her desk and was right in front of me until I saw her heels in my line of sight.

I didn’t get the chance to look up before she grabbed me a little rough by the chin and made me look up at her and smiled. “Because Torri you’ve been gone for two whole weeks and my pussy hasn’t been licked and you need to fix that!”

I smiled back at her and my own pussy swelled. Yes, she was exactly the kind of woman I liked Professional on the outside. Dirty on the inside! I now love going into the boss’s office knowing what I have waiting for me!

1-844-332-2639 Ext 204
