A giant brown box has shown up on your porch but you can’t recall ordering anything. The box is almost as tall as you and as wide as a refrigerator. It’s such a struggle to get the box through your front door but you are successful.
The shipping label has your name and address but the sender has been blacked out. Curiosity gets the better of you and you can’t wait for another second to find out what’s inside! You rip at the tape holding the vertical panels closed and when they pop open you are shocked to find your very own SEX DOLL inside.
Getting to know your Doll.
The packaging looks almost like that of a giant Barbie’s expect this one says “For your pleasure” across the dolls perfect tits. Your cock is instantly straining against your zipper as you work to release your new SEX TOY.
So many straps and tiny twisty ties hold the doll against the sturdy cardboard but finally, the precious gift falls into your arms. Her weight is solid and her silicone skin warm to the touch. She feels just like a REAL WOMAN against your chest.
With the doll on your lap, you open the instruction booklet to find out just how to get your ‘Kayla Cumsalot’ to work. After all, what’s the use of a good FUCK TOY If you aren’t going to fuck it?
Turn Her On.
The manual has everything you need to know about how to keep and care for your little Cumsalot. First, you’ll need to charge your little doll. Plug her in with the provided cord and wait an hour. I know that sounds like a long time but while she’s charging you can wipe down her body and prepare her for your first LOVE SESSION.
Mmm, that’s right. Rub every inch of her silicone skin. Grope her perfect breasts, feel how life like they are in your hands. I bet you’re wondering if her PUSSY is getting wet. Reach down and feel the HOTTEST advancements in technology today! You’re little sex toy is indeed growing MOIST as you touch and tease her.
Don’t stop now! You’ll have a full hour to prepare her for your cock. Lick her, taste her, finger her tight hole and as soon as she is all charged up, she’ll open her eyes and BEG for you to make love to her robotic body.
Kayla Cumsalot
1844-332-2639 ext 357