
Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

Mr. X texted me that he was running out of leftovers and that it was time to find a new girl for our pantry stock.  I assured him that I’d had my eye on the perfect young woman and that I’d make sure she arrived at his house that night.  Mila proved to be the perfect easy victim for Mr. X and my most recent conquest.  I told her that I wanted to invite her over for dinner.  Being alone in a new city, she easily and eagerly agreed.  So, I picked her up at 5pm and drove her over to Mr. X’s place.


We arrived and Mr. X greeted us at the door.  He already had drinks waiting for us as I knew he would.  Mila smiled that sweet smile of hers and accepted her drink.  I watched Mr. X’s face light up with delight and knew he was mentally preparing her in his mind.  We ushered Mila to the couch and engaged in some friendly general conversation.  Before too long, Mila’s words became slurred, and she began to wobble between the two of us.  I put my arm around her shoulder to support her as she succumbed to the effects of the special ingredient in her drink.

Once she’s become fully incapacitated, we picked her up and moved her into the kitchen.  Together, we made quick work of securing her to the counter.  Mr. X pulled out the shears and cut off her clothing as I pulled the marinade out of the fridge.  We then worked together to cover every inch of Mila’s sweet flesh with marinade and spices.  Her skin crisped up nicely due to the attention to detail we put into preparing her for roasting and basting.  Mila didn’t provide a lot of leftovers.  But she was very delicious indeed.

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403